Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with Your words only


My dear son, this is your sweet Jesus of love and mercy and justice. My children are forcing God’s hand upon them because of their sinfulness and disobedience. As My Father and yours has told you, the justice of His hand is falling on America. It is being felt and will continue to be felt in many ways.

The people in your country are starting to suffer very much. This is part of the truth of the suffering that will continue to wake up your country. If prayer is not stepped up and people do not proclaim Sunday as a day of the Lord, it will be completely destroyed except for the refuges and the new heavenly communities that are living in God’s will.

As My God and yours says, there is no more for you, My son, to say. It all has to be felt now. My Mother cannot and will not hold My God’s and your God’s hand back any longer. Our children have chosen to suffer rather than change their sinful lifestyles. All of Heaven is praying for all of America and now all of America must pray and prepare for the worst because of the sins of abortion and all the sins of the flesh. They have given satan permission to do whatever he wants. God will hold satan’s hand back from totally destroying all of America but the majority will fall into a third world country at its lowest level. Make sure you have food and water and have it blessed by a priest so it will not rot or spoil and be contaminated. Sorry. Love, Jesus.

Source: ➥