Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Friday, January 2, 2015

Come Holy Spirit, Holy Family, and St. Michael with your protection and guard over God’s saint’s words


From Mother Mary: My love, My beautiful one. All of Heaven thanks you and all the remnant souls and all of Heaven and the poor souls in purgatory for the prayers and suffering that all of you went through for the past month. Start praying for all the souls on the face of the earth each day because everyone will be chastised and hopefully purified this year of the church with many false miracles from the evil one to look like God. Be careful because many of the things you hear and see this year will look like it is from God but it is from satan. Satan will be deceiving the faithful through their own churches. God has told you in Scripture that even the elect would be fooled if it were not for the prophets of today. Discern everything today because satan is at his strongest before his fall.

There will be many bad things happen this church year that will look good to some but the ones I have been training for the past 30 years will receive the whole truth and nothing but the truth to warn the rest of the children and priests and bishops and cardinals that have not been given the extra graces or have not listened closely enough. Be ready for anything this year to purify your soul so you are ready for the Warning when you see Jesus face to face with Me holding your hand and leading you to My Son who I brought into the world.

The stock market will crash soon. The elite are just running it up to get the rest of the American people’s money into it before they crash it and most of the money of the American’s who are not listening will be taken over by China and the other countries who are holding all of America’s debt. When they crash the stock market the one world people will own everything including your country.

Prepare for much sorrow with very much prayer this year and have your soul ready to face Jesus. When one major thing happens everything will happen within days because America has already lost the spiritual war by throwing the Ten Commandments out of their country by the top leaders. You are now living in communism and paganism as I have already told you. Tell all of My children to pray, pray, and pray. Remember, God is in control but your prayers control your suffering and joys of the world. Love, Mother Mary.

Source: ➥