Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, October 24, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family and St. Michael to protect God’s words to His son, 7:00 pm Adoration

My most beloved son and children, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I came to give you much love and graces for the times we are in now. Graces are falling from Heaven like rain drops to saturate you with all the graces you need to get to Heaven. Do not be afraid to walk out into the rain to receive all the graces I have for all My children. Ask your God and My God for all the graces that He has for you and use them to save your soul and the souls of the world. God told you the other day to not pay attention to satan and the deceiver of everything. Come straight to your God and your Jesus and Mary of Love and Mercy and give all the sins of your life to them and then repent before it is too late. My children the hour is late and the time of many people’s lives is getting very short so be ready to face your God and it is there that you repent and ask forgiveness for your sins before this terrible day. It will be much easier for you.
I ask all people who are reading these messages and others to go back a month and read a month of messages at one time so you can see more of the picture of what is happening in the world and see more of the full picture. A lot of the picture of the world has been given in the last year through these messages. Instead of wanting more new messages start reading the old ones because all messages will stop in the near future. I have told you this long ago everything stops after a period of time and the messages are no different. Everything has been said that you need to know so please reread the old messages. I your God really do not have much more to say now, except please read what you have been taught and start practicing it for it will be good to have it fresh in your mind before everything falls in different parts of your country.
Many people will lose everything and all My remnant children will have to take those people and help them to survive and take care of them like little children at first because when you lose everything you are lost for a time, spiritually and physically. You all are used to doing certain things every day and when everything is taken away it is like a death to you and you will be confused and will need help like when you get lost someone will have to help you, spiritually and physically, to get you back on the right track because you will not even know where to start. Just die of self and be open to God’s word to the people He sends you.
Do not listen to the federal FEMA regulations because they will take you to concentration camps and put chips in you and control you and make slaves out of you who are strong and healthy and get rid of the weak and fragile. This is already happening out west with the people fleeing from South America. They are being used and abused by the one world people. This is all for now, Love your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Amen