Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, September 14, 2014
The Cross
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, St. Michael and all of Heaven with Your Protection over God’s Word to His son

My most beloved son and children, this is your God of Love and Mercy. Things are starting to get worse in your world as I have been telling you. This is a special day for you, The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. There will be much grace given for those who will believe in the Cross. Suffering is everyone’s salvation if used for the good of God and not to blame their God for it. My children all want to feel good all the time and this is not possible while living on the earth as it is now. That will begin when all My children are living in the Era of Peace and all living in My Divine Will because of their love for their God and satan will be chained in hell. For now, you must pray and suffer to save your soul and the souls of all Our children and your brothers and sisters because We are all One Body in Christ, and each of Us is one piece of the puzzle that forms the whole picture. Everyone has just as much importance as the other if they are doing the job that I your God made just for you to do in this life to save your soul and be happy with Me in Heaven for all eternity. The grace is available for all just for the asking and this is a special day from Heaven to ask.
My children things are just starting to get worse each day. Get extra things ready for the winter because you will need extra things to heat your house and buildings in many areas this winter. Be obedient and get anything you can to help heat if the electric goes out or bad weather hits. Have much water on hand and enough food, if you can get any, for at least a month is possible. You have no idea what you might see in the next year. I your God am telling you now that America will be seeing the same things that are happening in the Middle East very soon. It is always better to be prepared and not use it than not have anything to eat or drink when things get bad. In past years, when My son writing was born, you did not buy hardly anything during the year. You raised all your food and canned it and had fruit cellars for your fruits. You had smoke houses for your meat and salted it down to keep it from spoiling.
My children of today think they are getting smarter than those 100 years ago, but the truth is if you experience a winter like he saw when he was a boy, very few people would even survive. The people of America have been dumbed down from the people of the past and think that they could not survive anything that took all their little joys and pleasures away. I am warning you America that most countries are living like you are about to live. You will have to learn fast and quick so be ready, spiritually first , and physically second. If you are not listening to God you will not survive what is coming. Instead of buying all the junk that you use one day for pleasure and throw it away the next, start getting some extra cans of food, extra clothes, extra shoes, candles for lighting, flashlights and batteries, water purifiers, gas grills for cooking food or to boil water to purify it and extra propane tanks if the electric goes out. Turn your electric off for one day and see how long you will survive. Get the things you need that will work without electricity. Your one world leaders who control your government and the majority of the U.S. are about to take everything away. Your electricity will be first. I your God will multiple everything for the people who go to the refuges and do not take the chip in the body and follow satan. Do not say I your God did not warn you like a good Father warns His children for I have warned you, but most of My children are becoming so stubborn and greedy that they will have to learn by hardship and suffering to change. This is enough for now My son, Love Father.