Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to Protect God’s Word to His Son


My most beloved child and son. I know you are tired and weary from all the attacks and confusion from satan and all his demons, but your God is here to speak to you and all My children. I love all of you dearly. Your government is setting up all these places of protection when disasters hit at different places in your country. These places are just places to control all My children and brainwash them and put chips in their bodies so they will be slaves to satan and the one world people who control and run your government totally. The reason your government cannot do anything anymore, is because if you get good people in they will threaten them or their families or get rid of them by some kind of death and tell the public it was a suicide or an accident or a heart attack that they created and made happen. As I told you the other day, do not believe anything that the news media or your government tells you anymore because it is all controlled and twisted by satan and his demons and followers which are many. They have been fueled by satan himself and his evil people. I have told you before to believe just the opposite that any major company or organization tells you.

The whole world is now under the top leadership of satan. All the top leadership in all the churches is under satan. Some of your good bishops and priests are still fighting against satan but the majority of everything is controlled by satan himself. Even all your Catholic schools have much new age teaching in them except for just a few small ones who are fighting against it. You as a citizen of the USA have sold all your rights to satan because of all the deep sin that most all of My children commit. Most of My children will not believe the messages because they will not believe in the sins they commit. They will fight with all the life they have in them just to prove they are not sinning, but they will not admit that they do not believe in the Ten Commandments but most of the world are sinning against the Ten Commandments every day and for some every minute in some way in which they live.

My beloved children, I challenge each of you to read the Ten commandments and look at your life and the way you live and tell your God face-to-face that you are not sinning. Please do this now because soon I your God and Maker will take each of you out of your body as if you died and look at your with love and you will have to admit that you are a sinner to Me face-to-face and repent and ask forgiveness or end up in hell for all eternity. Even if all the world is praying for you and all of Heaven is praying for you if you do not ask for forgiveness you cannot be saved. But, if you look at your God and ask forgiveness from your heart you can be saved instantly, but you will still have to suffer temporal punishment in purgatory to be purified before entering Heaven.

My children you all know that you are all sinners but it is just the pride that satan put in you that keeps you from repenting. Quit listening to satan and start listening to your God so I your God can take you to Heaven for what I made you for. A message from God the Father to all His loving and stubborn children. Love, Father. I do not want to lose any one of you. I made all of you just to share Heaven and all My glory and love with you. Amen

Source: ➥