Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, August 29, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael as Guard and Protector of all the words from God, Adoration Chapel

My most beloved son and child of God the Father maker of all children on earth. Tell your friend she will be fine. This is God the Father speaking. My son, all My children on earth are suffering dearly now especially those who are suffering for all My lost souls, especially My victim souls who are trying to live in My Divine Will.
My son, the time of freedom in America is running out very quickly now. People are starting to see that the world is about to fall in to the hands of satan and all the evil elite people. Tell My children that satan will have his very short time to persecute some of My remnant children and all My lost children who do not believe in the refuges and the mark of the beast. Satan wants to control everyone and he tries to make people think that he is all powerful, but as I have told you before, satan is nothing next to God. I can use any saint in Heaven to destroy satan and all the evil in the world with just one word from Me to satan and all his evil. But My children on earth have to always learn the hard way and not follow the simple Ten Commandments that I, their God, gave them. They keep questioning My wisdom and think that they know more than I, their God and Maker. It is like all My families on earth who do not want to listen to their Mother and Father. Free will gives all My children who live long enough to reach the age of reason on earth to make their choices. Some make wise choices and some make poor choices, but I love them all the same. I stand by them all their life waiting for them to make the choices I desire for them. Some learn early in life and some learn late in life, but their God desires that they at least learn before they die. All the problems and graces are passed on from generation to generation. Some children learn from the past generation to live a good holy life and some learn to live a very sinful life. But I, your God and Father, stand by and watch all your life just to see the best time to pass extra graces to save your soul. I also send many spiritual people into your lives to help you find your God. I will continue to do this for all My children until they die and it will then be the choices they made in life and the people who prayed with them that will affect whether they choose Heaven, purgatory, or hell. I will do anything in My power through free will to get all My children to Heaven. That is why I permit death and accidents of many good people so that My children not following Me might wake up and see that life is not forever on earth and everyone will die physically. I take My children at the best time of their life to go to Heaven. People ask why do some good people die so young. When young people die it has more of an effect on the rest of My children to get their lives in order and to see that you should be thankful for every day because tomorrow could be your day to die and be judged for Heaven, purgatory, or hell.
My children please wake up now, this day, because many of My children are dying every day now and it is going to get much worse. You will in your lifetime in America start to see hundreds and thousands and even millions of people die in one disaster. The technology you have could wipe out the majority of the world in one day. That is why I am warning you over and over to get your life in order because I do not want to lose any one of you. The messages have been strong for many days now and they will continue to be strong until the Era of Peace begins. There will be some major disasters in the United States before the Warning so the people can see how bad it can really get. Then the Warning will come to show you where you would have gone if you would have died in the disasters and also it will show you where you will go if you do not repent before you die—to Heaven, purgatory, or hell. My children just be ready to face your God and get ready now while it is still so easy. Your Loving Father of All. I bless each one of you, just reach up toward Heaven and receive the blessing and thank Me for it. Amen.