Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Mother Mary, St Anne, and St. Joseph With Your Words Only

My most beloved son as you feel in your heart today , you and your beloved sister, received many graces yesterday from My Grandmother St. Anne, and My Mother Mary, and Your Jesus of Love and Mercy who is speaking to you. Tell all My children that the same graces are available for every one of My children. My children need to learn to trust Me, their Jesus of Love and Mercy. Your world is now in Revelation 10 and 11. I have told one of My daughters this and now I am telling you, My son in a message to confirm her.
The times you are in now are times that are changing from love and mercy to My justice for the sins of the world. Many people think that justice is not from God and that their God would not permit bad things to happen, but your God is all just and all merciful. If you are all just, you are also all merciful. My children, any good father that raises good children warns them of the future dangers in their lives. Then it is their choice and their free will when they become of age to go on their own when they have to start making their own decisions in life. Their father or mother is always there to help them and still correct them when they see they are in danger of making a bad decision, but the choice is still up to them.
My children of this generation has not listened to their parents and their parents from Heaven, Jesus and Mary. When all of our children begin to make all bad decisions with the help of satan, they become lost in the world or in a gray area where they do not know right from wrong or black from white. Most of My children are now in this position in their lives. I sent My Mother to earth for many years to teach them and I have made many new prophets in the world that My Mother and I are teaching the whole truth to. My messengers are people who I have raised from birth and taught personally and My Mother and the saints have taught personally to re-teach the real truths back to the people. These are leaders sent and inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am sending many gifts to many of My children who will believe in them and they will help My children come through the days ahead of them. When My Holy Mother or a saint comes to a faithful prophet of Mine it is a miraculous gift from Me to them. For it is My Holy and Divine Will to help them. They must have the faith and the wisdom to know this is real and they are being blessed by these gifts. My child, I need My prophets that I have blessed with different gifts to be strong in their faith and to believe in everything I have said to them for I am coming soon and I will be able to tell them, “You have been a good and faithful servant and believed what others have not and that is why you and all I have chosen are receiving more and more gifts.”
More and more events will happen that will contradict scientific laws because they will be miraculous events sent by My hands and sometimes I bless you with different gifts to test your faith. I do not want My dear ones to doubt or become dependent. I want them to have My gifts of the Holy Spirit and to give them and to share them with others and then you will receive more gifts and responsibilities. This is enough for now. A teaching from Jesus. Love, Jesus.