Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother


My love, My most beautiful one. This is your Loving Mother and Mother of all My most beloved children. I am happy today for all of My children who are starting to turn to their God and Father. Some of the graces that are being offered continuously are starting to help some of Our children to start changing. Please continually grab hold of them and use them to help save your soul by going to Confession and asking God’s forgiveness for all of your sins. If you are not Catholic, just follow the Ten Commandments because these are all of God’s laws from Heaven and cannot and will not lead you astray. My Father will speak.

My beloved children. I am still waiting for more of My children to change their lifestyle and get out of all the sins of the flesh and start living My Ten Commandments. Sin is what causes natural disasters to come down upon the earth. Good brings good down upon the earth. The reason your weather and world are so messed up is because the sin of satan brings all kinds of evil down on the earth and releases more demons from hell to torment you and your brothers and sisters.

I ask all of My children to start wearing moral clothes in this hot weather that will not tempt your brothers and sisters which leads to more sin of the flesh. Also use pure words and not dirty words made up by satan, to talk to your brothers and sisters. Use holy body language and not sinful body language in the way you use your body that just asks for sinful sexual harassment and then you wonder why there are so many women raped. The way they are showing their bodies, they are giving men hope and invitation. And the way men dress and act is the same.

My children start presenting your body in the way you would want a married partner to act. You will never have holy marriages unless you start with a holy relationship. If you run around on your spouse-to-be before you get married, chances are, you will do the same after marriage and the honeymoon period is over.

Wake up, My children and start living in the Ten Commandments. This is your Father from Heaven in which very few of My children I am well pleased with, but I love each of you dearly and the same. The grace is available just the same for the biggest sinner and the saint. Just use it for your salvation. Be a wise virgin and take the oil for your lamp with you so you do not have to run back for it when it is too late. Love, love, and more love, Your Father.

Source: ➥