Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Friday, November 8, 2013

Come Holy Trinity


This is your most beloved Mother. Tell all your friends I love them dearly. Tell all of them thanks for helping Heaven save souls. We are with you at all times. Love, Mother. Father wants to speak.

I know that you and all your friends are suffering for souls. It will all be well worth your suffering when you and all your friends see how much your suffering has earned Heaven to help Us save many souls. The suffering you and all My children have been going through will gain great merit for yourselves and all of Our children. The time is here and is now as We have been telling you. You are in the great tribulation that Revelation talks about. Satan’s time is being used up whether some want to believe it or not. Some day all My people, all My prayer warriors, will see and know 100% that it was I talking to them in the language they understood best not always the words that the others could understand unless they were living under the power of the Holy Spirit.

Keep doing what you are doing and your friends are doing and you will all be with all of Us in Heaven soon. Love and kisses, Mother and Father, for every soul that ever stood on the face of the earth and every angel that ever was whether they wanted to follow Heaven or hell. I, the Father, still beg all of My children to change now whether you want to or not before you lose your soul.

Love, Love, and more Love, all of Heaven

Source: ➥