Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Message of Mary Helper to the People of God. Message to Enoch
My Children, You Are Already in Times of Darkness and Gloom, Where You Must Pray Morning and Night, Because the Forces of Evil Are Attacking You!

Little children, may the Peace of my Lord be with all of you and may my Protection and Maternal Help always accompany you.
My children, once again I remind you: prepare yourselves for the coming of the Warning, because it is near, nearer than you think. My Heart of Mother Help of Christians suffers when I see that the immense majority of humanity is not prepared; this great event will totally change the conception that many have of spiritual life and of the existence of the One and Only True God, One and Triune. Humanity will be in an ecstasy that will last between fifteen and twenty minutes of your earthly time, in which you will be shown the state in which your soul is with respect to God and your brothers.
Every mortal will be judged, only my little ones who lack the use of reason will be the exception; everything will be judged, even your idle words. How sad I feel as the Mother of mankind, to see that many souls will not return and will die eternally because of the gravity of their sins. It is for this reason, little children, that I ask you to be prepared spiritually and in the grace of God, so that you can withstand this test; a test that will open your understanding and knowledge of the existence of eternity and of God, and will prepare you to face the final battle for your freedom upon your return.
My children, you are already in times of darkness and gloom, where you must pray morning and night, for the forces of evil are attacking you. If you, my little ones, do not repel these attacks, you run the risk of falling into the traps and deceptions of my adversary, who will weaken you spiritually and take you away from God, and then steal your soul. May you always wear your Spiritual Armor and oil it with prayer, extending it to your children and relatives, so that the protection of Heaven may also reach them.
My adversary, little children, is already ready to make his appearance, it only remains for the Warning and Miracle to happen, to make himself known to mankind; poor those little children who continue in sin and far from God when the Antichrist appears, because they will no longer find Mercy. The Houses of my Son will be definitively closed and the daily Worship, the Holy Mass, will be suspended. Then, what will become of you, little rebellious children? If you do not awaken with the Warning and Miracle, your soul will be eternally lost. My children, in the last reign of my adversary, a worldwide persecution will be undertaken against the Church of my Son; my poor little children will have to flee to the mountains and hide in caves, caverns or in my Marian shelters, to escape the wolves; millions of little children will be martyrs, but their blood will be the Blood of my Son, with which the New Church will rise. The People of God will go into exile and will be totally purified, the survivors will be tomorrow the People chosen by God, who will dwell with Him, the New and Heavenly Jerusalem.
Prepare yourselves then my children for the arrival of the Warning, may your lamps be lit with prayer, so that when the Master knocks at the door of your soul, you will be ready. Take advantage of these last milliseconds of mercy that remain before the arrival of the Warning so that you may be at peace with God and your brothers and sisters.
May the Peace of my Lord remain in you and may my Love and Protection of Mother Help of Christians always accompany you.
Your Mother, Mary Help of Christians
Make known my children the messages of salvation to all mankind.