Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Call of God the Father to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch

Prepare Yourselves My People, for the Days of Transformation and Purification of My Creation Are Coming!


My people, My inheritance, My Peace be with all of you

Days of great purification are coming, My creation entered into the last labor pains and its groaning and shuddering will not stop until it gives birth to a New Creation. Prepare yourselves, My People, because the earth is about to begin to tremble on all continents, its trembling will be felt day and night; it will shake and you, My People, must get used to live with this for a while. Do not panic, remember that it is part of your purification and purification of creation.

My children, the dragons of fire have already begun to awaken and the bowels of the earth in many places have begun to open; the groaning of My creation will bring pain, desolation and death in many nations. The yellow dragon of the great nation of the north is about to awaken and the fire of its entrails will mourn this nation. My creation is about to groan as it has never groaned before, its pains cry out for justice, many nations will suffer from the birth pangs of My creation.

All the elements of nature will turn against man and make him pay for his injustice and mistreatment. The days of My Divine Justice are beginning and who will be able to resist these days? Only the right-hearted and God-fearing men will be able to overcome these days. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, for the days are coming when only woes and pain will be heard everywhere! Run, run, you fools to put your accounts in order, for the days of My Justice are coming! Flee from your houses and high dwellings, for My creation is about to stagger day and night, as if it were drunk!

Do not fear, My people, the days of My justice; do not panic when My creation begins to move; keep calm and praise with songs and psalms, the Glory of God and I assure you that everything will be more bearable. Prepare yourselves, My people, for the days of transformation and purification of My creation are coming. The days of the punishment of the ungodly nations draw near; the shaking of the earth and the fire of heaven will be the scourge with which I will punish these nations; many will disappear by the rigor of My Justice and no memory of them will remain. The Sodom and Gomorrah of these last times shall fall under the weight of My Justice. Then, the inhabitants of the earth will know that I am the Ruler of the Universe, Lord of Creation. Father, with all those who accept My Mercy and Just Judge for the wicked. Be alert and vigilant, My People, My Heritage, because My Justice is about to reestablish Order and Law in My Creation.

Remain in My Peace, My People

Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Creation.

My children, make known My messages of salvation to all the ends of the earth.

Source: ➥