Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Call of Mary Sanctifying the People of God. Message to Enoch
Prepare Yourselves Then, My Little Children, Because the Time of Your Purification is Coming; Love and Help Each Other So That the Strength of Love and Service May Help You Overcome All Trials!

Dearest children, may the Peace of my Lord be with you all and may my Motherly Love and Protection accompany you always
My children, the days and months of this beginning year will be shorter; go and prepare your passage through the desert, because these days are already coming. Very soon mankind will be moved by the arrival of events that will change the course of your lives; fire from heaven in quantity is about to enter the space of your world, and fire from the bowels of the earth is about to be unleashed by the awakening of the volcanoes. The life and daily routine of mankind is about to change and this will lead to an immense majority losing their heads; panic and fear will take hold of many, only those who have their faith and trust in God will be able to overcome the trials.
The dark days that I spoke to you in previous messages are coming; keep calm and at all times praise the glory of God, so that the trials of purification may be more bearable. Read the messages from heaven and put them into practice, because it will be through them that we will be instructing you in this end time. It is time now, my children, that you must go and keep non-perishable food and plenty of water, because the days of scarcity and famine are approaching. See that I announce you in advance so that the test of famine does not take you by surprise and knock at your door. Take advantage now of the fact that money still has value to provide you with food and provisions, because very soon the god of money will roll on the ground and will not serve any more to cover your needs. With the fall of the economy, this god will lose his value and will become garbage that nobody will pick up anymore.
Spread, my children, the Rosary of Provision, which Heaven sent you through our prophet Enoch, so that in days of shortage and famine, you may not need the daily manna that my Father will send you. The Rosary of Provision should be said after the prayer of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, so that you may receive the blessing of Heaven. This Rosary, my children, must be prayed in all the homes of the People of God, for with its prayer my Father will send you the daily provision tomorrow in days of famine. Heaven, my children, has sent you through Enoch, three fundamental pillars for your salvation and passage through the desert of purification. These three pillars are: The complete Spiritual Armor, the Rosary of Provision and the Armor of the Blood of the Redeemer; this spiritual strength will keep you steady in faith and protected in the days of the great tribulation that are coming.
My children, the Schism in the Church of my Son is drawing near; pray with me in my Holy Rosary, so that the Calvary which the Church will experience may purify her and she may rise tomorrow strengthened by the Grace of the Spirit and continue to be light and guide to the People of God. So, my children, prepare yourselves because the time of your purification is coming; love and help each other so that the power of love and service may help you to overcome all trials. Remember, I, your Mother, am already among you in company of the Angels of Heaven and blessed souls. Pray at any moment with my Rosary, because with its prayer you will find peace and you will be covered with my Cloak, so that nothing and nobody can harm you. Do not forget my promise: a home that prays with my Rosary will not be lost, nor will any of my faithful little children and their family know eternal death. I promise you!
Stay, my children, in the peace of my Lord.
Your Mother, Mary Sanctifier
Give, little children, to know the messages of salvation, to all mankind.