Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Call of Jesus of Nazareth to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
My Flock, Viruses and Pandemics, Will Be the Excuse to Massively Vaccinate Humanity; These Vaccines Will Awaken New Pandemics, Which Will Decimate the World Population in Great Quantity!

My Peace be with you, My Beloved People
My flock, beware of massive vaccination campaigns, financed by the Elites and protected and promoted by international organizations, because these vaccines are intended to decimate the world population. I announce to you a special vaccine, which according to the Elites at the service of evil will protect all humanity from pandemics; Be careful with this vaccine because it comes with the Microchip, which when injected into the population of the nations, will mark it with the mark of the beast. The international organizations and the Elites that govern this world in silence, want to control humanity to prepare it for the appearance of the Antichrist.
My children, when international organizations announce you of a vaccination of the population worldwide, to have control of humanity, refrain from vaccinating, because they are going to introduce the Microchip; remember that everyone who is marked with the mark of the beast will lose the life of the Spirit and will no longer be a Sheep of My Flock. Very soon the mass media will begin to announce the massive vaccination campaign for the entire world population, which will be sponsored and financed by the Elites and international organizations. Before vaccination, they will carry out a worldwide population census, to establish the number of infants, children, young people, adults and older adults. Do not fear, trust and pray and Heaven will take care of protecting you. All this will begin to happen after the Warning and Miracle; all those who are not inscribed in the Book of Life will be lost. I, Your Eternal Shepherd, will not allow any of My sheep to be lost. I assure you!
My flock, viruses and pandemics, will be the excuse to massively vaccinate humanity; These vaccines will awaken new pandemics, which will decimate the world population in great quantity. In the last reign of My adversary, humanity marked with the Microchip will lose its identity as a human being; They will no longer have a name, but will be known by a number, which will be encoded in the memory of "The Big Brother".
Be warned, My flock, put into practice the instructions, prayers and natural remedies that Heaven has sent you so that you can overcome the pandemics, traps and deceits of the enemy of your soul.
Walk as Children of the Light that you are, with your Spiritual Armor on, trusting and praying; covering you at all times with the Power of My Glorious Blood. Do not stray from Our Two Hearts, consecrate yourselves to them, so that nothing and nobody can harm you.
Your Master, Jesus of Nazareth.
Make My messages known to all mankind, My flock