Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
The Angel’s Trumpet Sounds, Announcing the End of an Old Time and the Beginning of the New Era
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 13, 2024

Flower of My Garden you are, O woman!
My daughter, beloved of My Sacred Heart, be with Me, always, the terrible time comes.
A tremendous disaster is about to manifest, men will no longer be able to move, shelters be ready: ...this message is for you who follow Me, who love Me and share with Me this Mission in salvation.
My children, beloved of My Sacred Heart, the trumpet of the Angel sounds, announcing the end of an old time and the beginning of the New Era.
I am ready to intervene, to stop this great doom if men repent and return to Me.
I am Father, Mother, Brother and sincere Friend, I will not leave you alone in the time of misfortune; if you return to Me I will save you, I will place you in a new Earth where everything is in the wonders of God Love, the Creator!
Verily I say to those who think they are greater than Me: My children, you are making a mistake, you have fallen into the trap of the Devil, open your eyes, behold what the world can still offer you in this time, everything is in shambles! Do not be foolish, O men, salvation is only in Him who created everything.
The Gaza Strip is in the grip of the devil, cannon fire destroys everything.
My children, you have entered the end times, you are signing your condemnation, you have pride in you, your heart is locked by chains in the hands of Satan, have chosen your destruction.
With so much love I open My Heart to you and still I ask you for conversion, put an end to the abuse, put a new heart in you, purify yourselves, My children, the time is over, Heaven is at His justice.
I will not allow the Earth to be destroyed by nuclear power! ...I call you again to stop your nuclear warheads.
Last warning!
Source: ➥