Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 16, 2024
God the Trinity Sends Mary As the Virgin of Reconciliation to You of the Little Flock, to Direct You on the Way of Fatima, a Supernatural and Glorious Way
Message of Archangel St. Barachiel to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on December 13, 2024

Beloved children of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, pray to your Guardian Angels, pray to the Angelic Crown. I am BARACHIEL ARCANGEL. You are in the LAST TIMES and Satan is furious, fierce.
God is visiting you in the Garden, God is visiting you through this Heavenly Manifestation. Receive within you this DIVINE AND MERCIFUL APPEAL.
God loves you and wants to help you NOW more than once. Believe in the Message of Brindisi, continuation of FATIMA, and praise the Almighty Father.
We Angels are near you, helping, blessing. Listen to Us in you. Purify yourselves.
God the Trinity sends Mary as the VIRGIN OF RECONCILIATION to you of the Little Flock, to direct you on the WAY OF FATIMA, a SUPERNATURAL and GLORIOUS WAY.
God leads His Flock through the true mystics and confidants.
The false church is strong but you more so!
In these END TIMES, follow Us to BRINDISI, believing in the Messages, Signs, Visions and Prophecies. Come every fifth day of the month, bringing flowers and CANDLES.
Time is very short, you must repent and repent quickly.
Heaven is speaking, listen to Him. Do not doubt, believe, pray to Him more. Pray the ANGELIC CROWN. Shalom.
Chaplet to St. Michael and the 9 Angelic Choirs