Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Consecrate Yourselves to Mary Queen of the Blessed Garden and You Will Have Great Graces
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on July 23, 2024

I love you, I love you, I love you. Beloved children, open your hearts to the Call of Mary the Virgin Reconciler of Peoples. Pray to My Mother with the Glorious Appellation 'Virgin of Reconciliation': you will have PEACE, JOY, LOVE, KNOWLEDGE, HEALING.
In these Last Times GOD visits you in this Holy Place, loved by the little ones and despised by the 'big ones,' arrogant and presumptuous, false judges and false teachers, and false saints.
Watch out for Satan is among you. He has raised and raises false prophets, to defend his false church and its leaders. Do not listen to them, nor believe them: the infernal legions lead them.
Those who defend and support the Roman imposture are of Satan and should not be followed or supported.
Help this Work with love and faith.
Follow My Mother, My First Tabernacle, First Believer and First Disciple.
Support this Divine Work and do not worship false gods.
Detach yourselves from television, from alcohol. Follow Us, obey Us, listen to Us.
Not all who say they have seen Us have really seen Us.
The Stromboli will erupt again. The STROMBOLI! New catastrophes are coming to Italy, Germany and Spain. Pray, time is short. It is necessary to follow Us to Brindisi, to listen to Us, to obey Us.
God is visiting you through this CELESTIAL Revelation. Consecrate yourselves to Mary Queen of the Blessed Garden and you will have great graces.
Do not listen to or believe the false pastors of the FLOCK, defamers and slanderers: they are of Lucifer and will go to perdition.
“The way of the ungodly shall go to ruin.”
“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.”
“Even if your sins were as black as pitch, GOD will forgive you if you repent.”
“Return to the LORD now that it is time.”
“Let whosoever of you is without sin cast the first stone.”
“It is not I who live but CHRIST in me.”
Pray, fast, repair. Help this Work more and more.
The time of the Global Masonic Government is approaching. Churches will be closed. Great confusion in Rome. Great IMPOSTURE. Be vigilant.
Pray the Chaplet of the Precious Blood*. Follow Brindisi, CONTINUATION OF FATIMA, and be wary of the false prophets who defend pagan Rome through false obedience, being that they walk with their own heads, following their conveniences and ideologies. Do not follow them.
He who is with Me is not against Me. He who does not sow with Me scatters.
“I am the Vine, you are the branches.”
Be wary of those who currently defend pagan Rome and its leaders, New Sadducees and Pharisees. Obey Me, follow Me. Say always: Lord Jesus wash us with Your Precious Blood. Maranatha, come Lord with Mary Our Mother.
Not by power nor by might, but by the Spirit of God. Ruah, Ruah, Ruah.
The Lord is one: there is no other.
Do not follow false ways.
Brindisi continues Fatima and must be believed, welcomed, followed, loved, defended and supported always.
Do not be fickle.
Maximum obedience to Us the Divine Trinity and to Mary Star of the Morning.
The times are dark, do not go astray.
Meditate on the Gospel.
It is all true in Brindisi. Let us believe, help and defend this Divine Work.
God bless us and deliver us from all physical and spiritual enemies through His Holy Archangels.
Deliver us from evil tongues, slanderers and defamers, from evil, envious and senseless people.
The Chaplet of the Precious Blood*