Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 4, 2024
I Want Peace for You. I Bring You Peace. Carry It!
Message from Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on May 4, 2024, Heart of Mary Atonement Saturday

The stream of grace flows to you.
I come to help you.
I bring gifts with Me: Grace, Truth and Life,
Light and Peace.
I want peace for you. I bring you peace. Carry it!
Without Me there is no more peace.
I go to the Father and take the gift of your love with Me.
Love Him! He loves you! That is His message.
I bless you with those who follow Me and you.
Again She was present through Her image and gave deep peace.
She took her time and conveyed that we should also take our time in prayer.
Her words came from the bottom of Her heart. It was simply clear that everyone who looks to Her finds peace. Let's see the grace and carry the peace within us instead of resentment and all that wants to trouble us.
Source: ➥