Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Your Road Will Be Narrow, but Full of Love for My Jesus
Message from the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on May 3, 2024

Dear blessed children, thank you for listening to My call in your hearts. Children, always be in the light and truth. Follow the Holy Gospel and always be close to the Sacraments. My children, remember that there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, and there is no bad tree that bears good fruit ... meditate.
My children, My loves, do not be afraid, where God is, there is Truth! Your road will be narrow, but full of love for My Jesus. Have love in your hearts, and not hatred and pride, these do not come from God, but from Satan. Be united children. Now, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Today, many, will be the graces that will descend upon you.
The Queen of Heaven invites us to always live "in light and in truth." Only those who follow the teachings of the Gospel, and allow themselves to be enlightened by the Grace they receive through the Sacraments, need not fear or be afraid, because when we live with God, in God and for God, we live in Truth. Although we know well, that the road we have to take, is the less "comfortable and wide" one, because only through "the narrow way" do we reach Heaven.
Let us always keep fixed in our hearts the Words of Jesus, which His Mother reminded us: a good tree cannot produce bad fruit or vice versa. Let us be inundated by the Love of Jesus who can do everything and accomplish everything. Instead, let us steadfastly turn away from "hatred and pride," which are not feelings that come from Him, but from Satan who wants to try in every way to turn us away from the Divine Master. May prayer be our daily food, especially in this month of May the holy rosary, which can "snatch" so many graces from Heaven. Onward! Jesus is with us!
Source: ➥