Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
With Love and Prayer You Can Get Everywhere, with Humility You Will Have Your Eyes Open to Walk without Stumbling
Message from Lucia of Fatima to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on March 3, 2024, First Sunday of the Month

Brothers, sisters, I am Lucia of Fatima, Our Lady and Our Lord, have wanted Me to speak to you today. The world ignores the greatness of Our Lord, it puts limits on Him who created Heaven and Earth and everything in it, the human being is very small, but it is the creation He loves the most.
Our Lord provided all His love, so that the world would lack nothing, man has been ungrateful has allowed himself to be tempted, and does not want to return to grace, no one can reach Heaven by living a lie, in this world the Father of lies is Satan, you all know this because this truth is imprinted in your hearts, because the spirit of truth is in every man's heart, free will should be a gift that leads you to salvation, but many use it to go to perdition. Our Lady has told Me so much about all this, about future times, She has made Me responsible, Lucia I trust you, and I could not fail Her at any cost.
Since I was a child they threatened Me to deny what I saw, and when I grew up they threatened Me to deny what I knew, never and I say never did I lie at the cost of My life, even if you don't know it in the convent They made Me suffer so much, they replaced Me several times, making the world turn out lies that I would have approved, but these plots never succeeded, because Our Lord did not allow it.
Conspiracies have always been there in the Church, Our Lady told Me that there were also in Jesus' time, in fact His death sentence was because of a conspiracy, but Our Lord had decided so, but in the future things will not be so, because they will be shamed.
Lucia, My Son Jesus brought the truth to the world, but it was not received as it was meant to be, that is why the world will be chastised, man has preferred lies even in the Church itself, the appearance will deceive many, it has always been like that, in the Secret of Fatima revealed to Me the future of the Church, Our Lady told Me, Our Lord will illuminate a man who will do His will, after Him mercy will end, those who will come after have been elected always by plotting.
Brothers, sisters, what I am telling you you can constat it yourselves, look around you, look at the confusion, Our Lord has sent Our Lady to the earth several times, to warn His children, and because she was not accepted in the way she was supposed to be, Our Lord will stop sending her to the earth, take advantage of these times to get back on the right track, don't compromise, even on small things, start changing your way of thinking, Heaven exists, this life is passing, don't get attached to anything, don't fret, don't be like the men who don't know God, be meek men, be servants of Our Lord, who through you praying, wants to bring the good news, where it has not yet reached, because of the ignorance that reigns in the minds of the powerful of this world. With love and prayer you can get everywhere, with humility you will have your eyes open to walk without stumbling, do not be arrogant, otherwise you will always stumble and get tired, to the point of stopping.
Brothers, sisters, you don't know what man is building, the weapons, the bombs, many tools to hurt your neighbor, the weak, to destroy nature, to get to the point that you no longer believe in God, but in the power of man's intelligence. Try to understand, and have the fear, pray and teach how to pray, don't be ashamed, I have been doing this all My life, this made Me feel useful, strive to bring your neighbor to the right path, the one where sin is not committed, it is narrow and difficult, it is the brightest.
Brothers, sisters, I must go, soon I will return, I have even greater things to tell you, your mind cannot contain it all at once. Our Lord and Our Lady bless us all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady is with Me and with you.