Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Children in This Strong Time of Lent Pray, Offer Little Flowers and Sacrifices to the Lord
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of February 26, 2024

I saw Mother had, a white dress with a golden belt at Her waist and on Her chest a heart crowned with thorns, on Her head the crown of twelve stars and a thin white veil, on Her shoulders a blue mantle that reached down to Her feet that barefoot rested on the world, under Her right foot Mother had the ancient enemy in the form of a snake that was struggling but She held him firmly. Mother had Her arms outstretched in welcome and in Her right hand a long holy rosary beads made like drops of ice.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
My dear children, I love you and thank you that you have flocked to this call of mine. My children, I ask you again for prayer; children in this strong time of Lent pray, offer little flowers and sacrifices to the Lord, use this time for reconciliation with the Lord, this is a strong time and a time of great graces. My children, be ready to follow My Son all the way to Calvary, stay with Him under the foot of the cross, do not turn away, do not forsake Him, in the time of trial and pain hold on to Him, turn to Him, adore Him, pray to Him and He will give you the grace and strength you need. My children these are hard times, time for prayer and silence.
I love you My children. Daughter pray with Me.
I prayed with Mother entrusting Her with the Holy Church and all those who commended themselves to my prayers, then Mother resumed.
My children, I love you and still ask you for prayer.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.