Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Times Are Short, Pray

Message of the Little Shepherds of Fatima Jacinta and Francisco to Mario D'Ignazio on February 1, 2024


Beloved brothers in Christ, we are here for you. Listen to us.

You are in dark days, of misfortune, tribulation, trials and misfortunes. Wars flare up in hearts.

Oh, Fatima! The Divine Appeal not received, just like Brindisi.

Few believe, few love and repair. Few invoke Us.

The times press, and the Scales are ready to judge the Peoples, and weigh them.

Oh, Russia! Oh, Russia... If she does not convert, she will ignite a great REVOLUTION, and God will allow it all.

RUSSIA will convert to the True Catholic Creed. No more SCHISM WITH THE TRUE BELIEF.

Mary appeared in Fatima asking for conversion from everyone, and especially from RUSSIA.

The Times are short, pray. Fatima continues now in Brindisi, at the Garden of the Purest Graces, Miracles and Healings.

Correspond to the Appeal of Brindisi, True Apparition, trampled on by the iniquitous and servants of Satan, but loved by the little ones, the simple.

The true Mystics believe in Brindisi and defend it.

The false mystics and impostors, led by Satan, discredit it, insult, denigrate, slander unjustly. Blinded by Lucifer and money, they sin in simony.

They are proud, envious, jealous, and devoted to lies.

Pray. Believe Brindisi, TRUE MYSTICAL AND CELESTIAL REVELATION, and be wary of the false mystics who persecute her, defending the false church and the impostor.

Be vigilant! Do not trust them, do not follow them and do not believe them.

They are not of Ours, but of Lucifer. When they speak evil of Brindisi they are of Satan, ungodly, iniquitous, evildoers and liars. Instruments of the Evil One and his emanations. Do not follow them! We do not know them.

Follow Fatima, which continues in Brindisi, Supernatural Revelation. Satan has his prophets and servants, and those who defend the false church are his, watch out.

Be wary of them, for they bring you falsehood and out of the way.

There is no truth in them, but lies.

Do not follow them, and do not support them. They sin against the Holy Spirit, calling themselves Our instruments, when We do not know them at all. Impostors! They blaspheme against Heaven. Those who defend the Roman imposture are false and of Satan.

When a confidant is true, he does not defend the imposture. One feels that much is wrong with them.

Beware, we do not know them. They operate for their own interests, vainglory, for appearance and for money, for folly.

They sin in simony. False prophets followed by heretical and worldly false believers. Do not listen to them or support them.

Shalom chosen ones of the End Times.


