Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Pray, That the Lamp of the Virgin Mary Will Illuminate Your Minds
Message from Lucia of Fatima to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on February 4, 2024, First Sunday of the Month

Brothers, sisters, many prayers have been heard by Our Lady, I am Lucia of Fatima Her honored Messenger, Our Lady, She is in your midst, when Our Lady is present, Our Lord is also always present, the Archangels are also present, Jacinta and Francisco are also present when I have the honor of being present.
As Heaven acts, human beings do not act, Heaven acts with order, with authority, but those who live in the world do not see the work of Our Lord.
How many things you do not know, how many things they have hidden. When John Paul II went to Fatima to thank Our Lady for the miracle that according to him he had received, Our Lady spoke to him: My son She said, from today you will understand the importance of the plan that is about Fatima, You are part of it, because you are the last Pope chosen by the Holy Trinity, those who will come after will be the fruit of great plots, You My son will love Me until death. From that day began for John Paul II the path to Holiness.
A little later We met by Our Lady's will, and even THERE Our Lady spoke to both of Us, She revealed that it was Her hand that deflected the blow, that blow that will give signs of Holiness because it will be found wrapped in blood. All this I have put in writing, the world will have confirmations of the Holiness of John Paul II.
He began to engage God's people toward salvation, toward prayer, he began in the Vatican to put things in order and to ask for forgiveness for past mistakes and plots, that's why everyone loved him, because Our Lord was through him. Today the world no longer experiences all this, but only experiences confusion, everyone takes a different road, all roads that lead to perdition, roads where laws against the Commandments of Our Lord are implemented. Brothers, sisters, Our Lord does not give up, He will not leave souls to Satan, He Our Lord, has knocked, is knocking and will still knock the doors of your homes, and when it is not opened, He will knock directly the door of your hearts, and when that does not open either, sufferings will come, because through suffering you regain faith, you understand the importance of prayer, never judge what Our Lord works, because it is for your sake, it is for your salvation, evil deceives you, deludes you, it has done it with Me as well.
In the convent many pretended to love Me, to believe Me, but I knew it was not so, they wanted to manage Me, but those few who loved Me, believed Me and supported Me to the end, they were granted the grace of the salvation of their souls.
Brothers, sisters, how many times in the convent have I longed to go out to pasture, how many times have I longed to shout the name of Our Lady together with Jacinta and Francisco in the open air, where everything is granted to Our heart, do you not understand that the world stifles your heart that longs to love Our Lady and Our Lord. Pray, that the lamp of the Virgin Mary will illuminate your minds. Brothers, sisters, the world has forgotten fear by believing everything, being easily carried away by sin, the weapons that are being produced are very dangerous for human beings. The sign that Russia will be converted will be when it launches a message to prayer, and then Our Lady will consecrate it to Her Immaculate Heart, Her voice will be heard throughout the world.
Brothers, sisters, I have to go, but very soon I will continue this talk, those who want to know the truth about Fatima will know it until the end.
Jacinta and Francisco will give signs at the very place where THEIR bodies were laid, everything else was built by the will of man and not of Our Lord.
I must go, I am glad to have been among you, Our Lady blesses us all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady is with me and with you.