Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Consecrate Yourselves to Me
Message of St. Joseph given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on December 30, 2023

Beloved children, it is I, the Guardian of the Universal Church. HER PATRON. LISTEN TO ME, there remains little time before the Catastrophe. Dense black fumes will rise from the ground. Much blood will flow on the streets of Rome. Rome will be sacked, and there will sit the Antichrist at the End of Ends. Consecrate yourselves to Me*. Entrust yourselves to Me. Pray the HOLY MANTLE**. Be My devotees, My true children. Have you erred? Repent. Have you murmured, judged, betrayed? Repent. It is always time for repentance and reconciliation. Make amends, always mend your mistakes. Do not despair. Do you feel defeated by sins, mistakes, bad inclinations? do not despair.
Satan is strong; he tempts everyone, even the Elect. You see, you think that being Ours, you will never be tempted, that you will never fall. Not so. Ours also err, they fall, but they repent and change their lives. From sin to grace.
Even the Elect are tempted and can fall, if alone, weak and weary. Anything can happen to anyone. Therefore, do not despair. It is important to pray, to believe, to repair. Human nature is corrupt in its own right, fragile and led astray. The family tree is often sick. Make prayers*** to heal it.
Turn away from evil, sin, Lucifer. Pray to Me, I will always help you. We invite you not to judge, precisely because you do not know what a soul experiences, why it errs. It is not easy, but you can, praying for all, for those who err especially. It is easy to call errant people false; it is difficult to understand and pity them from a true heart.
If you think that you also sin, you will judge less.
Invoke Mercy to God, forgiveness, clemency, and repent.
The Time is fulfilled. The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the 'Gospel. Shalom.
Consecration to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph*
The Holy Mantle of St. Joseph**
Important Prayers given by St. Joseph to Lorena***