Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 13, 2023
It Is Strictly Forbidden to Transgress the Commandments of God!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 10, 2023

I am God the Father, your one and only true God!
Beloved children, verily I say to you, My help is in you, you are My Children and I call you back to Me for the good I want you.
The Black Sea will shortly break forth in a fury never seen, in its terrible upheaval it will strike the Earth.
Shortly, you will hear sounds unknown to you coming from space!
Man will try to understand the origin, but God will no longer allow men of science to have information.
Man's choice was that to run toward Evil, to go into its ways denying Me the Creator God. Men have chosen to run toward the hellish world: the one run by Lucifer; now they will understand the great mistake!
Come, O people all, hasten to Me, hear My call for Salvation, and you will never again be caught up in Satan's wickedness.
The sun launches mighty flames toward the Earth! Man will suffer the fall of technology and be lonely, his ordeal will begin with the very end of comfort. Beloved children, you do not want to believe these appeals of Mine; ... your pride will lead you to suffer.
I return to manifest Myself to the world to save this Humanity that no longer wants to be "Mine." But, when everything collapses, ... when hunger and despair are upon them, then "in the great affliction" they will call upon Me, they will humbly bow down to Me and cry out for My Mercy. God is the One who can do everything!
In His Immense Power, He will renew the Earth and put man on His RIGHT, will save him from Hell. If he is converted he will be saved! My people, I am your Creator God, what pain you have caused My Heart for still betraying Me.
Arise, O man, rise up from your iniquities and return to your God Love, turn your heart to Him, ask for His forgiveness! Still you are offered the possibility of eternal life:
do not reject it, O man, receive this grace, Save yourself, O man, save yourself! The Queen of Love, waits with merciful love to embrace her Children to Herself! What a Mother awaits the awakening of their hearts: reard with love for her Son Jesus.
Be lovers of Love! Be the merciful children of Love! Show charity to all your brothers and sisters, and pray, pray, pray that your Father who is in Heaven may intervene before Evil devours you. It is strictly forbidden: Transgress the Commandments of God!
Source: ➥