Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 13, 2023
You Will See Your Past Life!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 8, 2023

My Voice be heard by all men.
I am the Light of the world!
I am the Word made Flesh!
I am the God Love!
I am the Creator!
People all, behold the heavenly vault: the planets are already moving, the stars are dancing in the sky!
Behold, the time of My Coming is very near!
Meditate, O people all, meditate!
At the sound of the last shofar, the heavens will open and the vault of heaven will be tinged with a light unknown to men:
You will be wrapped in love, your hearts will burn with joy and light will illuminate your minds.
At My call you will enter a new dimension:
you will see your past life, you will analyze your mistakes and bow down to Me; you will ask Me for forgiveness for all your sins. I will lift up My children to Me and put them in the condition of Me: they will be filled with the Holy Spirit; in their ascent to Me, their God Love, they will know the new Life. God's elect will enter the New Dimension where they will live in Me.
My last Apostles, those who will have the task of returning to Earth to bring the saving plan to completion,
will have the power to cast out demons and heal the sick. They will have light in their eyes, they will reflect of Me, and, unbelieving men, those who will have denied Me even seeing Me, they will bow down at their passing because they will finally understand that God is the Mighty One, and that in Him alone is Salvation.
The northern lights are now appearing in the world!
At the mighty thunder of the conjunction of two stars that will collide, men will tremble, see and experience a sight never seen; many will be afraid but the children of God will understand that the hour of their salvation has come.
I urge your return to Me "cleansed ," lest you find yourselves in that circumstance with greater pain, because of your sins.
The warring nations are ready, already lined up for the attack that will come suddenly. The third hour has come, ... the slaughter will be great, many men will fall, the sky will be shrouded in the cloud of death: ... nuclear attack!!! The giants of death will thunder their power!
Death will be in every corner of the earth! Enough! I will put an end to their power by My intervention.
I GOD! THEN MY vengeance will thunder:
I will rend the heavens and smite the accursed demons, those who had no mercy on their fellow men.
I will put an end to the giants of death!
I will raise My children from misery!
I will catapult the situation... Enough!
Source: ➥