Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 20, 2023
My Intervention will happen soon!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 18.01.2023
My Intervention will happen soon!
When everything will now seem to be in the hands of the enemy behold I will manifest Myself in My Glory.
Beloved children, stand firm in the Holy Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, do not deviate from its Laws; let the world go in its choice, but My children remain at My side.
I am your God Love, your Creator, I will descend from My Heaven with the Royal scepter in My hand and I will shout to the world My victory! I will surprise this faithless Humanity; ... I will separate the wheat from the chaff and bring order to every situation.
Beware now of the signs! the Antichrist will manifest himself to amaze you, he will present himself as "messiah," but his ego will fade with My Divine intervention.
Beloved My creatures, the time has come for the great challenge:
be courageous by staying in tune with the Holy Gospel, do not lose sight of God's Commandments, turn away from you those who will try to drag you where I am not. Damned vipers, you will soon burn in Hell where your pain will be endless! You have defied the Creator God to serve Lucifer, well, now weeping and gnashing of teeth you shall have forever.
Sound the hour of My descent, My Blessed Mother will anticipate My coming. She comes as Coredemptrix to lead Her earthly army to the final battle against the ancient Serpent.
We are now at the Parousia! The Miracle is already before your eyes, My children; rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice, sing hymns to the Lord who comes back to take you with Himself to give you of Himself, transfigure you in Himself, make you Divine in Himself.
My Song is in you My creatures; I long to embrace you again in Me, to take you into My Bosom and satisfy you with the beauties that are in Me. I AM O men, I AM !!!
Go ahead,
prepare yourselves for the meeting with your God Love, advance against the enemy with resolve, always speak the truth, God is with you!!! thunder the heavens, the prancing of horses galloping to Earth resounds like a song of perfect love. Here I am My children, ... just a little more and you will be with Me in Heaven!
I bless you My children! Be holy!
Your God Love.
Source: ➥