Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 16, 2023
Italy Will Suffer a Painful Split!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia January 14, 2023
I am your God Love, the Almighty! Your Creator God!
My children, people of Israel, embrace Me, ... the time has come for us to be reunited.
My children, I who see from the height of My Heaven your human misery, verily I say to you, I am ready to intervene, return to Me quickly, I am the One who can do all things, Your sincere yes is enough for Me to stop the evil that reigns on Earth.
Hurricanes are in place,
the Earth continues to shake,
the seas rise and in their fury hurl themselves upon the coasts,
volcanoes erupt one after another.
Oh, children, My children! ... open your eyes! There is so much destruction on your Planet, but you still do not want to see; you have strayed too far from your Creator God to go alongside Satan: you are in blindness, you have become slaves of Lucifer!
The wrath of God is about to come upon this unbelieving and perverse Humanity: ... pity you O men, you, who give no signs of conversion and continue undaunted on your journey into darkness.
Italy will suffer a painful split!
The earthly Church is now run by the Antichrist:
My altars desecrated, ...
many priests to perdition.
My children, still I cry with all My sorrow as a Father, your conversion! Return to your Creator, to your Only Good!
Do not waver any longer:
the time of the end has come.
A tsunami will hit the coast of the Marche.
Naples will cry out for help!
The Tyrrhenian Sea will shake, a volcano will explode.
Convert O men, convert!!!
Bend your knees in prayer and plead for the early return of Jesus.
Source: ➥