Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 13, 2023
I Ask You in All Humility to Stand Together, Not to Disperse …
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 11-01-2023 - 4:33 p.m.
Mary Most Holy is here with you.
My beloved ones, My children, I am here among you, today I come to you as Our Lady of Sorrows. I come in weeping, still asking you for prayers and supplications so that My Son Jesus may intervene now.
I see this Humanity losing itself in the hands of Satan, I see My children crushed by the Ancient Serpent, I see the unbelief of many Priests who have now given themselves to the Evil One, who follow him instead of the One who anointed them "His"!
They have celebrated in Evil; they have come against Me, they have clung to Satan for power, for a bigger chair, they have become enamored with the things of the world, they have given themselves over to the wildest lust.
I am here in your midst weeping tears of blood. With Me is My Son Jesus who weeps, in His sorrow He pleads with the Father that time may be shortened for His intervention in this world now fractured by Evil.
I am here with you My children, I embrace you and keep you under My Mantle, ... I ask you in all humility to stay united, not to disperse, not to go looking for anything else.
My children, take the Holy Gospel in your hands, pray the Holy Rosary and plead for God's Mercy. Stand firm on the Holy Gospel, listen to the Word of Jesus; nothing else will be said to you: what was to be said has been revealed.
My children, I am descending to this hill to embrace you to Me, take you with Me; cling to My Breast. Seek no other conditions.
Purify yourselves My children, confess your sins daily, ask forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ; humble yourselves to Him: prostrate yourselves to His Cross and tell Him that you love Him with all your heart, that with all your love you will follow Him to the end. Have mercy on the poor, have love for your brothers.
Support this Work, ... this call that Jesus from His Heaven has revealed for the last times, for the realization of His Project.
Jesus here with you.
A great battle will take place here My children, a great battle!!! It will be the challenge between the Ancient Dragon and Mary Most Holy, with Her earthly army, the one prepared by Her!
Few will be those who will follow Mary Most Holy in this Mission; She will bring Her greatness to the world and embrace all the faithful of the world.
All who follow Jesus Christ, who live His Holy Gospel, purified in the Most Holy Eucharist, in the Blood of the Lamb, will be ready to enter the New Age.
Live the holy Gospel My children; do not listen to the words that come from the world. Even My favorite sons are betraying Me, they are turning their backs on Me, they are listening to the traitor, the one who will lead so many children astray.
Judas, in the guise of the false prophet, celebrates today with his acolytes the victory of Satan, but, very soon he will be defeated by the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart!
Have faith My children, have faith in your Lord Jesus Christ, have faith! Be obedient to His Word.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My children, today I anoint you! I anoint you with Holy oil: that which comes from God! The only Holy oil is that of God!
Do not be satisfied in the things of the world My children, for it is the poison of Satan! Amen.
Source: ➥