Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, January 8, 2023

For You Who Follow This Call There Will Be Rapture, Soon You Will Enter Another Condition, You Will Have Transformation

Messages from Heaven to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 04-01-2023 - 4:49 p.m. - locution

Holy Mary:

I am here in your midst, My children, I am here with My Jesus, Child! Behold, I place Him on your arms: welcome Him into your hearts, try to perceive His Love, His Tenderness, His Greatness.

Jesus is here with you My children, once again He descends to Earth to save you, to free you from the chains of Satan. He desires to bring you to a clean, fragrant, starry world where everything is love, where you will hear the Angels singing in chorus and jubilating for Jesus: He is the King of kings! He is the One who can do all things:

Soon you will see Him descend from heaven on a cloud: in His retinue He will have an army of Angels, and, with Mary Most Holy and all the Saints of Heaven, they will manifest His Kingship and Greatness.

God's Justice is near, My children, His Heart will triumph together with Mine and all those who will follow His call, those who will remain faithful to His Doctrine.

Never abandon your faith, My children , indeed, try to strengthen it more and more!

The Lord:

The time that you will now go through on Earth will be a time of great trials, of great suffering, especially for people who have not accepted God's love, who have denied Him in order to follow the things of this world convinced that they will find happiness, that they will be truly free, but, now you will understand that that pleasure does not exist!!! .... you have chained yourselves, ... you have chained yourselves!!! Your freedom you have bound to Satan, preferring him to "He Who Is."

Be vigilant, My children! Now on this Earth, earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms, rain, hail, ... lightning will strike the Earth and a fire will fall from heaven for the purification of this Humanity.

God would have wanted to avoid so much pain to man, would have carried him on His arms to a new life; but, man has denied his God, has been dazzled by the lights of the infernal enemy and has followed him into this world of darkness , a world that will completely fall apart.

I will now begin with the Vatican: the walls of Rome will tremble! All those who have set themselves against the God Love will collapse. The traitors, they will be struck dead, one after another will fall.

Oh faithless men what did you think you would achieve? Yet you knew that no victory you would have! Jesus Christ is the victorious one! He is the One who can do all things and all things belong to Him! He will not leave you power over His Church! Poor men , poor men, for now your sufferings will be eternal, you will dwell forever in Hell together with the one you preferred in My place.

Already the death drums are thundering, the cities will soon be desolate. The streets crammed with corpses, My children! This is what man has succeeded in doing who has turned away from God! Satan has worked the minds of man, transformed them and guided them to his will by taking away every good thing.

Today, Heaven is celebrating because, shortly, He will take back into Himself many of His children.

Beloved ones, oh you who follow this call, and all of you who follow the true Doctrine of Christ Jesus, verily know that soon there will be for you the rapture, soon you will enter another condition, you will have the transformation.

Immediately place yourselves in the condition of being received into Mary's arms. She will join you to prepare you for the final challenge against the Devil.

We are close! Just a little more My children, just a little more! Be patient! Have respect for your Lord Jesus Christ and love one another as "true brothers in Christ."

Heaven is here with you!

May the blessing of the Holy Trinity descend upon each of you!

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come forth new!

Bless every creature you meet, everything you touch and see, in the name of your Lord Jesus Christ.

Forward, ... the time is now ripe; everything is at the conclusion.

Source: ➥