Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Mary, the Virgin of Consolation

Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy


My daughter, do not fear I am always with you and with all you children who invoke Me since without My help you would not be able to live these very difficult times peacefully enough.

I will not leave you alone even for a moment, otherwise, the "being" cursed by God and men would reduce you to ashes. Pray My beloved children that these terrible days will soon pass.

Receive into your hearts My Son for otherwise you would not be protected. You have understood that in these last years the devil has tried to raid so many of My weakest children.

Your spiritual part is tired of being offended, most of you do not pray to Jesus but blaspheme Him especially when things do not go the way they would like.

My children, that is, those who follow My advice, even in the most difficult times, you have the confidence to overcome every obstacle that Satan puts in your difficult path. Only those who live in Jesus will be able to overcome the most tiring moments.

I love you and that is why I will not turn away from you even for a moment. With this certainty you continue to live in daily obedience to Jesus your Savior. With each passing day, you move closer to your eternal liberation from the evil one.

I love you and will never leave you alone, call upon Me I am there to help you. My children, be strong and courageous, pray and fast and soon you will be delivered from all evil.

Mary,the Virgin of Consolation.

Source: ➥