Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Pope Benedict XVI. Two Complete Messages Edited by the Good Shepherd Hill in Carbonia regarding Pope Benedict XVI Who Passed Away on December 31, 2022, Are Republished. A Series of Recalls concerning Pope Benedict Will Follow Tomorrow, Specifying Date and Short Quotations Already Published, from the Year 2010 to 2022

Messages from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


January 10, 2013 - 7:30/19:50 p.m.

Benedict XVI Is in Danger!

Jesus is with you, O woman! Put peace in your heart My daughter, and listen to what I now tell you.

My Church is on the brink! The enemy possesses My children, they have bound themselves to him by renouncing Me! They have given themselves to him by the power of the things of this world! They have given themselves over to lust, to perdition, forgetting that they received the Priesthood to be My beloved children.

As God and as Father, today I say to you, O men: you are no longer in the power of before, for I, I the Lord Jesus Christ, put an end to this debacle, to this world of thieves and slander against your God and your brothers.

"Because of the doctors of the Temple the innocent will suffer!" Infinite misery is upon you! You have created for yourselves a world of death and now your eyes will see, and on your skin you will feel the pain you have caused Me by betraying Me, to embrace a god of infinite misery. You have slaughtered your brothers and sisters and deceived them into death, you have sucked their blood to water Satan, the infernal enemy, and now, NOW that I will manifest Myself in My Righteousness, you will be cast out of My sight! Never again will you see the light! Your god will brand you in his hellish darkness: just a few more hours and you will fall like skittles, those skittles that lent themselves to Satan's game.

My children, all of you who will now celebrate My arrival in Glory, all of you who have followed Me with love and prepared the way for My Return, behold, I, I God, will place you in a Holy Place and with the Holy One you will walk and feed on Him, in His very breath you will be, and never again will you feel darkness, but light, light, infinite light in the immense jubilation of Love!

Return quickly to Me, O you who have not honored Me! Ask Me NOW for forgiveness with a contrite heart for not having acknowledged Me as the one and only true God, that God who died on the cross for you, for your salvation; yes! ask Me for forgiveness, that I may forgive you, and do not delay: everything is already ready!

The funeral has been prepared down to the smallest details, but everything will turn against the evildoers! For, he who has meditated in his heart deceit and death will perish of the same evil. He has not meditated in good but in evil, and I, I God, will show them their condemnation, exercised by their own minds.

Behold, the cold winter enters, its frost will be sorrow and death for those who have not prepared themselves for the right cause: behold I am coming. Amen!

Benedict XVI is in danger: the sons of death set the net for him ...but! Farewell forever, O men of the devil! There will not be your victory, you will lose everything because that Throne is Mine! It belongs to Me, the CHURCH! Beware, O children, of what you will now hear and see because this will be the SIGN of the end of evil!

Jesus in His infinite sorrow for all those who have chosen to be on the side of the infernal enemy: Farewell! Farewell! Farewell forever! Jesus.

Note: Pope Benedict XVI resigned on February 28, 2013.

June 22, 2019 - 4:55 p.m.

A Funeral, Will Be Declared Very Soon, but in Truth It Will Be False

Prepare your hearts, present them to the Most High, put in you the shield that of faith in Christ Jesus the Lord, the Savior.

Get on your knees before the Cross and present your supplications to Jesus, ask for your true conversion and that of your loved ones.

The storm will come suddenly, no one will escape from danger because it is God's will to manifest His Power to Humanity.

Christ Jesus is the One who gave His life for the salvation of His brethren but, He was betrayed by His own most beautiful sons, the temple doctors and, now, the priests.

Dear children, history repeats itself, Jesus is not accepted by men because they lack love and charity; their hearts have hardened because they have chosen the life of sin, they have prostrated themselves to Satan, they have given their lives into his hands.

Today again I come to you and ask for conversion, do not delay My children, everything is at the gates, do not be foolish. My shout will go through the Universe, even the smallest particles will feel My justice.

To you who have betrayed Me in truth I say to you: make amends for your errors, put yourselves in true communion with Me, be sincere with Me for I see and read within the heart of every man.

I am your Creator God, I am the One to Whom you must give obedience and you must bow down, ... not to Satan, My children, but to Me Who gave you life!

Do not arouse in yourselves an evil heart, love Me and love those whom I send you.

I am the One who decides things and the One who manages them through His envoys. The time of earthly things is closing, the door of the new life is about to be opened, a new era, a new sun, a new dawn where everything will shine in Me, the loving God, the only Creator.

I urge your conversion, to you who have betrayed Me, I await these last moments and then I will close My Heart to you forever.

You were not created for Satan but for Me the Creator God, the One who possesses everything in Himself. If you want to belong to Life enter Life to dwell in Life eternally. The Garden of Eden will reopen to God's elect!

A funeral, it will be declared very soon, but in truth it will be false.

Believe only My words and let there be in you no sorrow but joy because, I Am the One who can do all things, I am the One who opens the strongest doors, the darkest paths.

Onward! The light is God, God comes to you, have eyes to see Him and follow Him.

I bless you and wait for you as I have asked.

Source: ➥