Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Works of the Lord Will Have Their Fulfillment

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 27.12.2022

Gray skies are advancing, the storm is upon us: winter will be cold and men will not be able to warm themselves.

The monster of Evil is lurking, its tentacles grasping icy souls! These are under its sway: they will not be able to free themselves because they are too weak without their God Love, from whom they turned away to follow the false lights that the Monster manifested in their eyes.

Beloved children, verily I say unto you: implore My Mercy, turn away from sin and ask My Forgiveness with true repentance of heart.

You have come to the time announced in the Revelation of John:

now you will see the prophecies announced fulfilled, before your eyes,

you will see the advance of the armies of demons who will try to steal your soul,

you will hear the din of their chains crawling through the streets of the Earth and you will feel frost in your heart,

and you will not be able to defend yourselves since you are deprived of Me.

You will not have the help of My Angels because you rejected Me by preferring the accursed Serpent to Me.

My children and no longer Mine by your free choice, you will be trampled today by the very one you followed in My place.

My beloved creatures, the Word is about to be manifested in the Flesh and, like Thomas, you will be able to put your finger in His side and believe.

Rejoice O My people, rejoice! Behold, your God comes to deliver you from the bondage of Satan, He comes to take you on His arms and bring you into a new world where everything smells like Heaven!

The Works of the Lord will have their fulfillment, ... it is God who wills it!

Willingly or unwillingly, everything will be fulfilled in the eyes of the foolish, they will see God's intervention and they cannot but be bewildered.

And you, O men, who say that you are My shepherds, you, who from the ambo no longer proclaim the Truth, you who delude yourselves that you are in the right, despite knowing that you are not, you are sinking in that boat that is now like a sieve, it is leaking water on all sides!

Behold, soon it will sink because you offend Me, I will take back in Me what belongs to Me and open the gates of Hell to catapult all traitors into it.

Judas! Judas! Where is your victory?...

You have taken the form of the cursed Serpent,

you became fascinated with him and supported him,

you sold your soul,

you will die in excruciating pain,

you will dwell in hell ... where you will never have peace.

Jesus says to His faithful people: behold My children, rejoice because salvation has come for you today. You suffered because of the blasphemies of traitors; you gave your lives for the fulfillment of God's Plan; you upheld and proclaimed the holy Gospel; today, filled with the Holy Spirit you will receive the joy of eternal life in Me.

Rejoice children of David, rejoice! Behold He is coming!

Source: ➥