Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, November 25, 2022

A New Paradise...

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 23-11-2022

Here I am for you My daughter!

My love is infinite, My grace will be on all those who follow Me with ardent love and absolute faithfulness.

I want to give you everything of Me My children, I want to take you with Me into a new world: a world where you will find immense joy and infinite love, where you will have Me by your side, ... forever!

It will be Me who will carry you on My arms and make you enjoy everything you have never enjoyed on this Earth.

A new Paradise, that Paradise that man has lost because of his disobedience, today My new people who have been in obedience to Me will regain it.

See, My children, how much you have lost because of your disobedience, ... because of the sin that every day, every hour, every moment, you constantly experience!

Satan is strong My children, I know he is strong but I recognize your human situation, however you must rise up and fight these situations also, go against the satanic seductions , because, if you stand in faithfulness to Me, and in constant prayer, you will have the discernment to understand at the right time.

The attacks of the devil must be repelled by prayer, fasting and "renounce - renounce - renounce!"... Always renounce his seductions, My children.

The accursed Serpent is in the strongest moment of his time because he is destroying everything that belongs to Me; his vengeance is great against God! He is taking away many souls from Me but, in truth, I tell you that I will recover all those who are Mine, I will not leave a single one in his hands, I will bring them all back to Me; I will win them back even through great suffering, but I will bring them all back to Me.

Heaven is waiting to take back all of God's children! Heaven is great, the Universe is great, for it to be visited and inhabited by all those who will enter God's graces, who will enter life in God, who will enter God!

Today I want to thank you again for your prayers, for your dedication to Me, always adore Me in the Blessed Sacrament, where you can My children, where there is Truth.

Adore Me and love Me with all your hearts, with your good works, with your feelings of love toward your neighbor as well! Embrace all of you as brothers, share everything, be wise in the Things of God and come to meet your Savior who will soon manifest Himself to all!

I love you, I bless you, I urge you to be more and more faithful to God's Commandments, His Laws and to turn away from the things of the world, ... quickly!!!

I love you, I long for you. I long to hold you to My Chest soon. Amen.

Source: ➥