Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, November 13, 2022

The whole earth will shake! The stars will fall!

Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 12.11.2022

The blood moon (lunar eclipse Nov. 8, 2022), marks the defeat of the traitors; because of their deceptions they lead Humanity to starvation and despair.

Flower of wheat I AM!

Now, I address My song of infinite love to My faithful, to all those who have shown true love to the Creator, their God.

Play harps and zither, play!

Behold, the angelic choir is all united in one song of love to Love!

God descends from His Heaven to meet with men!

Flee enemy powers, flee!

The King of Glory announces His Justice!

He will thunder His mighty Voice!

The whole earth will tremble! The stars will fall! The whole Universe will shake and wait anxiously

for the purification of this sinful Humanity to end. (Note). My children, the time has come to meet you.

Put your hearts in purity, ... be longing for Me.

My Blessed Mother, will anticipate My return to prepare you for your meeting with Me.

She will visit the homes of Her children and take them with Her, gather them into one place, from where they will then depart for the ultimate Mission in salvation.

With her Heel (with her faithful army) She will crush the head of the Ancient Serpent; Her children, they will hymn at Her side, they will honor with Her Christ Jesus Her Son:... victoria est!

The banks of the Jordan River will be widened! ... Baptism will be new for all God's children!

Kneel down to the Most High!

Give Him honor and glory!

He is the One Who Is! ... He is the Mighty King!

Only He Is!


(Note) Today, Sunday, November 13, in the Liturgy of the Hours, we read the first reading from the book of the prophet Joel (2:21-3:5). We quote what is written.

Thus says the Lord:

"Fear not, O earth, but rejoice and be glad,

For great things has the Lord done.

... ... You shall acknowledge that I am in the midst of Israel,

and that I am the Lord your God, and there is no other:

Never more shame for My people.

After this, I will pour out My spirit upon every man.

And your sons and your daughters shall become prophets;

your elders shall have dreams,

your young men shall have visions.

Also over the slaves and over the female slaves,

I will pour out my spirit in those days.

I will do wonders in heaven and on earth,

Blood and fire and columns of smoke.

The sun will change to darkness and the moon to blood,

Before the day of the Lord comes, great and terrible.

Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,

for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

there shall be salvation, as the Lord has said,

even for the survivors whom the Lord shall have called."

Source: ➥