Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

God Calls Back This Humanity Now under the Leadership of Satan

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 07.11.2022 (9:04 p.m.)

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, call back this Humanity now under Satan's leadership to urgent repentance.

It is necessary that

God's people urgently return to Him, turn away from the false lights of this world, from the deceptions of the accursed Ancient Serpent. Crawl, crawl! With its hissing it beckons man, who listens and is seduced.

You are in Lucifer's trap O men, you do not want to listen to the Voice of Him who is your Creator God and you pay attention to the abominable Evil; you take pleasure in him.

Ah! How much pain! How much pain to see you so frail at his call instead of that of your God Love.

You are losing your lives O men, Hell will be your abode if you do not repent NOW!

Wake up O men, wake up! Have a desire for the "Things" of God.

Flee! Flee My children flee!

Satan is grabbing you with his deadly claws: you are his coveted prey!

His challenge with God: succeed in taking you away from Him!

This moon is not like the others, but marks the time of the great tribulation for those who will not have converted, for those who will not have kept themselves in His God Love.

It will shake the earth and be great sorrow.

Oh Italy! My Italy!

Rouse yourself NOW... It is urgent that you return to Me! Save yourself Italy! Save yourself My children, save yourself! Do not waste any more time in the miseries of this world. Man... provide for the salvation of your soul! Earth is about to have its transformation; everything will be different, you will no longer see what you have known until now.

The Earth will change its appearance! Weeping and gnashing of teeth for those who will not have believed the appeals of Heaven and provided for their own conversion.

The House of God awaits its children ... the time has come to return home My children!

Convert now, you desire to embrace the One who created you and is waiting to give you to enjoy true life in Himself.

Source: ➥