Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Oliveto Citra Will Be Known throughout the World…
Message from Our Lady to the Group of the Love of the Holy Trinity in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here in your midst.
My children, open your arms I am embracing all of you, I have been waiting for you, all of you are here by My will, I have prayed for each of you because I love you, because you love Me, many of you feel My presence with strong shivers and a commotion, confirm My children.
The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are here, they have formed a powerful barrier so that evil does not approach. The world gives you much confusion, much sadness, distress, today you will all be purified, pray because I wish to give you today many signs, many joys, pray and invoke the Holy Spirit.
My children, so many of you are praying to Me, I wish to give you My presence, I will pass among you, pray to Me because I wish to fulfill your prayers, not all of you believe, but you are also here by My will.
My children, I thank you because so many of you have opened your hearts to Me, your perseverance will be rewarded, this is a promise that I your Mother make to you. Oliveto Citra will be known throughout the world, I will appear in new garments and many will see Me, do not forget this day because it is a very important anniversary, you will soon find out.
My children, My presence is still very strong among you at this time I wish to give you My fragrance, a strong warmth on your face, confirm My children. The Holy Trinity is in your midst, He loves you, open your arms I am embracing you all, soon I will return.
Now I must leave you, I give you a kiss, I bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.