Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, September 2, 2022
My Battalion Is Almost Ready, but There Are Soldiers Still Cold and with One Foot in the World, I Need You to Decide Now!…
Message from Saint Michael the Archangel to Lorena – August 24, 2022

The Forces of Evil are at their peak and I need Soldiers willing to go to War, leaving ALL Attachments and all their Belongings and families to go fight the Forces of Evil.
My Battalion is almost ready, but there are Soldiers still cold and with one foot in the World, I need you to decide now!, to finish forming My Battalion.
What remains of this month of August and what remains of September, before October, must have decided which path to take in their lives, because My Battalion is almost ready, for this reason I ask you that this month of August and what remains of September, emphasize your Preparations, with the indications mentioned before with the previous Message.
THE THIRD WORLD WAR IS ABOUT TO BURST, the Elites will bring down the Economy very soon, Famine will come, Plagues are advancing and the Deadly Vaccines for the Cure of the “Alleged Plagues”, which are actually diseases created in Laboratories, are being already applied with the purpose of making a large part of the population sick.
The Agenda of the Elites has been underway for many years, and they seek to carry out their plans to exterminate a Large part of the Population.
THEREFORE PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR THE FINAL BATTLE: You will pray your 3 FIATS, the First Two FIATS now and the Third will be said on the Day of the Warning, You will Renew the Consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a short way, and the Prayers of My Armor given for Battle.
Do this as soon as possible in front of the Blessed Sacrament, or if not in front of an Altar, it is of EXTREME URGENCY that you do it, since Time is running out and your PREPARATIONS have to be ready.
Cheer up My Warriors!!! I am Your Leader and Protector Saint Michael the Archangel. Who’s like God, nobody is like God!!!
(Pray the two Fiats in front of the Blessed Sacrament or, if not possible, in front of the Altar of your houses and memorize the Third for the Time of the Warning, to say it in front of the Holy Trinity)
PRAYER: I, as a Soldier belonging to the Army of Saint Michael the Archangel, directed by him and being leaded by the Virgin Mary, give in this my final preparation before going to the Illumination of Consciences, my FIAT to the Holy Trinity, I bow before the Cross of Christ and I surrender my Life, Projects and ALL that I am so that He Guides me and it is not me but He who lives in me. I give to God the Father ALL that I am so that He can take care of me and free me from all evil, and I give myself to the Holy Spirit so that He fills me with His Power, through the intercession of the Holy Trinity, I renew and carry out my Salvific Mission in this End of Times. Amen.
The Warning is very close, therefore, I need you to prepare as much as you can for this Second FIAT, which will be in front of the Blessed Sacrament, only if you can have access to an Adoration Chapel, otherwise, by Internet. You will put my image in the Invocation of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, one of the Holy Trinity and another of Saint Michael the Archangel on your Altar in front of the Blessed Sacrament and you will say the following Prayer:
PRAYER: As an Apostle of the End Times and a Warrior of the Army of the Mother of Heaven, I want from now on in the Blessed Sacrament to give my Second FIAT to the Most Holy Trinity, giving ALL of my being, so that they may take it and make of it what they want, so that the Holy Trinity covers me with His Magnificence and prepares me for my Final Mission. Amen.
After giving the second FIAT, you will say this prayer of the Divine Will as a sign that you have learned to live totally in it.
PRAYER: Today, I (name) form my Will on the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, taking my Heavenly Mother as a model, following Her Steps and today giving my Will to the Most Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen
At the end of saying these two prayers, you will pray the Rosary and say goodbye giving thanks for having Sealed the Pact between Heaven and you.
All this must be done in a State of Grace, preferably after receiving Communion, the Body of Christ, on the same day.
This will be the day of Pentecost. This day the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will pour on you Abundant Gifts, Graces and Charisms, so that, Anointed by the Power of the Holy Spirit, prepare your Souls, Minds and Spirits for the Illumination of Consciences, and be ready and prepared for the day where you will be Reborn for your Final Transformations as Apostles of the End Times, reaching Spiritual Maturity to be able to carry out your Missions.
As Preparation to give the FIAT on this Pentecost, you will say this Prayer before the Holy Trinity every day, from today until the day of Pentecost:
PRAYER: I, as an Apostle of the End Times, prepare myself this day to give my Second FIAT to the Most Holy Trinity, giving my will, my whole being so that through this surrender I can Grow within the Womb of my Mother, the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe in these last days in order to be Reborn on the day of the Illumination of Consciences. Amen.
(To be memorized and said on the day of the Warning in front of the Most Holy Trinity) PRAYER: “I, (name), as a child of the Most High, come to give my Third FIAT before the Most Holy Trinity; and with a Pure and Childlike Heart, I give Him ALL of my being so that He can take it and make of it what He wants. I surrender ALL my Will and ALL that I Possess so that I no longer live, but Jesus Christ Who Lives in me; and thus, consummate myself before the Most Holy Trinity, I Clothe myself with the Power of the Holy Spirit, in order to carry out my worthy Praise Mission in these End Times.” Amen.
“I, __ , give and Consecrate myself and my life, my Prayers, Sorrows and Sufferings to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, so as not to want to use any part of my being but to Honor, Love and Glorify Him. It is my Irrevocable will to be all of Him and to do EVERYTHING for His Love, wholeheartedly renouncing everything that may displease Him.
I take you, then, O Sacred Heart, as the only object of my Love, the Protector of my life, Security of my Salvation, the Remedy of my fragility and my inconstancy, the Repairer of all the defects of my life, and my Asylum at the hour of my death.
Be, therefore, O Heart of Kindness! my Justification with God Your Father, and take away from me the Rays of His Just Wrath. Oh Heart of Love! I place ALL my Trust in You, because I fear everything from my malice and my weakness, but I expect ALL from Your Kindness. Extinguish then in me EVERYTHING that can displease You or resist! May Your agility of Pure Love imprint in my Heart so that I can never forget you, nor be separated from you, whom I conjure, for all Your Kindness, that my name be written in You, because I want to build my glory in living and dying as Your slave. Amen”.
Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Overflowing with Kindness, show Your Love for us. May the Flame of Your Heart, oh Mary, descend upon all Peoples. We Love You immensely. Print on our Hearts a True Love. May our Heart yearn for You. Oh Mary, Sweet and Humble of Heart, remember us when we fall into sin. You know that we, men, are sinners. With Your Most Holy and Maternal Heart, Heal us of all Spiritual Illness. Make us capable of contemplating the Kindness of Your Maternal Heart, so that we may Convert to the Flame of Your Heart. Amen.
——— OR ———
I, as a Soldier belonging to the Marian Army of our Mother of Heaven directed by Saint Michael the Archangel, give my FIAT to the Holy Trinity and I give my Heart to the Faithful Warrior of Christ, Saint Michael the Archangel, so that he may take it and make me part of His Army, preparing myself with His Sword for the Great Battle that is waged between Good and Evil, I surrender my Will, my Heart, my Life to the Most Holy Trinity and I give you my FIAT and as a Warrior belonging to this Army I declare myself FREE from all ties, being totally docile to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit in my Life, Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul, Amen.
I, as a Soldier belonging to the Army of my Sweet Mother of Heaven, receive from Saint Michael the Archangel, this Shield as Protection against the attacks of the enemy and as a Warrior belonging to this Army, I place it at the Feet of my Beloved Mother, so that along with my Sword, Bless you, and give me the Strength and Courage and the Knowledge to Wisely use these Weapons that Saint Michael the Archangel has given me for the Battle. Today I received it from Saint Michael the Archangel and I carry it proudly before this Great Army Directed by Saint Michael the Archangel and Led by the Virgin Mary, Amen.
I, as a Warrior of the Militant Army of Saint Michael the Archangel, wear my Armor today and with it I Defend myself from the attacks of the enemy asking for the Protection of the Holy Trinity, Saint Michael the Archangel and the Mother of Heaven to help me know how to use my Armor and give me the Strength to overcome the evil of each day, Amen.
Before leaving your house say this Prayer so that you use your Armor every day and be Protected against the forces of darkness. Do your part and give your best effort. I say goodbye with the War Cry,
Who’s like God! Nobody is like God!
See also...
Message of Saint Michael to Lorena from August 3, 2022
Message of God The Father to Lorena from August 18, 2022
Source: ➥