Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Man turns his heart to the devil; he has deprived himself of his Creator God to follow Lucifer!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 06.08.2022 4:37 p.m.

God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh says:

My beloved and devoted children, to you, with all My Love I come to give you of Me, your God loves you infinitely and blesses you.

While you who have knelt to Satan will be destined to follow him to Hell.

Behold, the days foretold in Revelation have come: war, slavery, famine and disease will reign over this Humanity that has fallen into the miseries of the Devil.

The wrath of God the Father is at hand! Man turns his heart to the Devil, he has deprived himself of his Creator God to follow Lucifer, ... he will burn in Hell!

They roll the drums to death, if you do not repent in time, you will mark your end.

A star will come down from heaven and strike the Earth, the din will be terrible, the eyes of men will scream the end!

I am about to strike America through its enemies, this people once faithful to Me has turned its back on Me, turned against Me, made a pact with Satan, fallen into his deadly net. I will save only those who have taken refuge in Me, those few who have remained faithful to Me, their Creator God.

Rain and hail will come down from the sky like thunderbolts, ... they will destroy crops, this Humanity will suffer much.

Rivers will overflow, seas will rise and crash on the coasts; ... thunderstorms never seen!

In the cities the roars of fuel explosions will be heard; people will go mad with fear.

You have defied your God O men! You have allied yourselves with His enemy!

Weeping and gnashing of teeth for you!

Source: ➥