Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Power of the Rosary Is Infinite: It Has Redemptive, Healing, Liberating and Intercessory Power

Message of Our Lady to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy


The Blessed Virgin appears after a shimmering glow of light, which I see on my left. As I turn to contemplate this bright glow, I see the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and the One True Christ, of the One True Redeemer and Savior of mankind. She is dressed in white with a blue belt at Her hips and twelve twinkling stars around Her head. St. Joan of Arc is on Her right and St. Michael the Archangel on Her left, Protectors of the Work of Reconciliation.

Praised be Jesus Christ. Dear children, I am I the Immaculate Virgin the Universal Coredemptrix, the Mother of the One True Christ, the One True God and Savior of all mankind. I thank you for lovingly praying and meditating on the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary, which are so, so pleasing to Me. I desire that every fifth day you always meditate on the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary since they repair the outrages of men to My Immaculate Heart and the Welcoming Heart of My Son Jesus.

The power of the Rosary is infinite: it has redemptive, healing, liberating and intercessory power. When you pray the Rosary meditate on the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and on My Assumption and Coronation. Meditate on the Mysteries of Light. Pray the Holy Rosary every day and every fifth the Twenty Mysteries. Pray it in your homes, families, with your friends, relatives. Make Cenacles of Oration and not of murmuring.

Do not condemn those who sin, but correct them with brotherly love so that they may repent and be saved, for "the Lord does not want the death of the sinner but that he be converted and live" for Him.

Dear children, I am the Queen of Universal Peace and I come to you sent by the Holy Trinity asking for prayer, begging for prayer. I need much prayer. That is why meditation on the Twenty Mysteries every fifth day is essential with meditation on the Messages and the Word of God.

Open your hearts to Jesus, to the Lord who returns in His glory to judge the world. "Every work in good and evil will be brought to light."

Spread My Messages, proclaim the Gospel, shout it from the rooftops. Renew the Consecration to the Blood of Jesus and to pray the Chaplet of the Precious Blood.

I am happy for the building of this holy shrine in My honor, which holds the statue representing My Great Apparition at Fatima - 1917 -. Remember what I said at Fatima, and what I have told you in recent times through My various apparitions in the world. Follow only the Way of Fatima, the Only Way that can save you from the Antichrist, from the false heretical church of Evil. Imprint these words on your hearts, minds and souls: the Way of Fatima, the Way of My Immaculate Heart, the Only Way of Salvation in the Last Days of doom and persecution toward the True Church of Christ -As the Third Secret of Fatima shows- I am your Mother and Queen.

I wish to save you from Satan, Lucifer, the false Masonic Church and millions of demons that are in the air around you, to lose you, ruin you and lead you to despondency, despair and make you lose faith. The real Evil is sin and the real Enemy is the Evil One. Satan's goal is to make you lose your faith permanently, that's why he tempts you, oppresses and destabilizes you, accuses you of your sins by making you believe that God will never forgive you - pushing souls into absolute despair. But God is Infinite Mercy as well as Justice, and those who repent receive His Holy Forgiveness, His Infinite Mercy.

I bless you all with My Motherly Blessing. I await you this coming August five, the thirteenth anniversary of My Apparition in this place of peace, love and reconciliation; where hearts make the gentle encounter with the Father of Love, with the Father of the Most High Our Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.. Praised be Jesus Christ.

The Most Holy Rosary

The Chaplet of the Precious Blood

The Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima

Source: ➥