Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, July 1, 2022
The Earth will Quake and Crack
Messages from St. Michael the Archangel given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 17th day of June 2022

As the feathers of wings overshadow me, I hear Saint Michael the Archangel say.
As the prince of the heavenly hosts I implore you to step into the radiant light of God’s Love and remain therein.
People of God
It is most urgent to return to prayer. Do not sever communication with Our Lord and Savior, who will never abandon you. Return to the safety and protection that only His Sacred Heart can provide. Pray without ceasing, Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary of Light, to illuminate the darkness that surrounds you. Pray for one another, pray for your country, pray for the domestic church that is being demoralized. Pray for the conversion of sinners who’s souls are in peril! Pray beloved people of God, allowing your guardian Angels to carry them up to the throne of God, where each and every one is heard.
THE EARTH WILL QUAKE AND CRACK in response to the heavenly disturbances that come against the earth’s magnetic field.
Billows of smoke darken the skies as volcanic eruptions intensify. Sea levels are beginning to swell and rage in response to the opposing winds.
Make ready your safe refuge taking shelter in the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I stand ready with multitudes of angels to defend you from the wickedness and snares of the devil who’s days are few in number. Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.