Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Conflicts between Nations Are at a Boiling Point. World War Is Imminent
Messages from Heaven given to Beloved Shelley Anna

Messages from Heaven given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 26th day of May 2022
A Message from Our Blessed Mother
Our Blessed Mother, adorned in radiant light says.
As your Mother, I ask, please respond to My call, offering up your prayers and sacrifices, letting your life be an example, to lead others; to My Son, who is Salvation.
Do you not recognize the signs of the times? My Son’s final act of mercy fast approaches, and yet so many are unprepared.
I give you My Rosary of Light, to help prepare your hearts, by illuminating, and exposing the darkness of sin, in your lives.
Pray My Rosary of Light, where My Son is revealed.
His path is illuminated before you. Follow in My Son’s footsteps, your path to redemption.
My children, remember always My promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.
Thus saith, Your Loving Mother
A Message from St. Michael The Archangel
As the feathers of wings overshadow Me, I hear Saint Michael the Archangel say.
People of God, May the Trinitarian Blessings of hope, faith, and love, be bestowed upon you.
Multitudes of angels surround you, awaiting My command, to assist those in need. Acknowledge your Guardian Angels who will lead you to safety during perilous times.
People of God,
pray for the conversion of sinners. Satan’s attacks on their freewill continues to wear away at their consciences, until they have been severed completely. Dividing humanity one against another, causing persecution to rise up upon the remnant of God.
Hearts will become despondent and cold.
People of God.
The earth continues to travail in reaction to the heavenly disturbances, caused by Niburu’s incoming debris.
Disturbances in the sun continues, as solar flares intensify, that will cause blackouts; in various places.
Prepare your provisions, always trusting in our Lord and Savior, for your needs.
Conflicts between nations are at a boiling point. World War is imminent. Humanity will suffer.
Do not be alarmed by these occurrences, let not fear dominate your hearts. Jesus Christ our King, has not given you a spirit of fear.
I ask you to walk in the love of God, your one and only true defense against Satan, and his evil that he spreads.
I stand ready, with multitudes of Angels, to defend you, from the wickedness, and snares, of the devil, who’s days are few in number.
Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.
The Most Holy Rosary (of Light)
Source: ➥