Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 28, 2022
The Holy Spirit Will Embrace You to Himself, … You Will Return As I Desired You from the Beginning
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 27.05.2022 - 12:08 p.m.
As when I was with My first Apostles, so I come to you today!
Nothing has changed, I am always in your midst and I am leading you to the final battle: ... You will soon see Me in your midst.
My beloved servants, I your God Love, I ask you to be strong in the battle, to stand firm in your faith in Me, I will never leave you alone. In the fight do not be seized with anguish, pray the Holy Rosary united with Mary Most Holy, She, as Coredemptrix, will lead you victorious to Me.
My Beloved creatures, I your Father come to give you My grace: ... the Holy Spirit will embrace you to Himself, ... you will return as I desired you from the Beginning, when I created you in the Image and Likeness of Me.
My children, oh you who still go unbelieving, verily I say unto you: those days announced by the prophecies have come, do not delay to repent and believe that I am the one and only true God who saves, ... no other god will be able to give you salvation! I AM!
My Mercy is great! My children, accept "now" this grace before everything is extinguished and darkness falls over the whole Earth.
Beloved children, oh you who still do not answer Me because you do not believe in My Existence, in truth I tell you that you will shortly have the certainty that I LIVE! By denying Me you have created your condemnation convinced that without Me you would still retain the heavenly gifts. ... My poor children, the seed of hatred had already entered you through disobedience to Me, your Creator, when the Serpent tempted you and you deluded yourselves and fell into his trap.
You believed the Lie!
You have lost Paradise!
You have soiled yourselves with sin!
You have made yourselves ridiculous in My Eyes!
Ah, My children! Return quickly to Me, ask My forgiveness, ... truly repent of your nefarious choice in Satan, ... cry out My Holy Name, longing to save yourselves.
These are the times of your return home: convert My children, I love you, ... if I discern in you true repentance I will embrace you to Me and save you.
This world is in grave danger, do not wait any longer to return to Me, do not be foolish, My Chalice is poured out, everything now will be extinguished of this life, see to it that you do not die but live eternally in Me.
I bless you and await you "transformed" to open to you the new world where all will taste of what ever this Earth has given you, ... happiness is only in Me, ... eternal life is only in Me!
Source: ➥