Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, May 26, 2022
The Storm Is About to Hit the Earth, Fire and Hail Will Come Down from the Sky
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 25.05.2022 - 5:08 p.m.
As your God I urge you to listen to My appeals: clothe yourselves with light, ... turn away from darkness. May joy always be in you; in your hearts celebrate your beloved Jesus and consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
My children, the world is at its purification, this Humanity must convert before it is too late, must return "now" to its Creator God, ... must abandon sin, must say no to Satan "now."
Darkness already envelops this world, I ask you to repent quickly, ... the hour comes bitterly for this perverse Humanity.
As a Father I suffer for your indifference to My calls, I do not want to see you suffer, that is why I call you to urgent conversion: ... do not allow Satan to drag you into Hell, renounce his enticements and head to where I await you "converted to Me" to give you true freedom.
The horn sounds for the gathering, the time is over, My people will have to stand before Me to be judged, ... be found pure that I may take you into Me at once.
My Abodes are ready to shelter My children. Open your hearts to Me that I, your God, may engrave in them My "sign" of belonging.
The storm is about to hit the Earth, fire and hail will come down from the sky and leave nothing but destruction: ... weeping and gnashing of teeth for those who have not listened to Heaven's promptings.
The Earth will tremble, many nations will be struck by great disasters.
I will begin with Rome , ... it will be stormed! ... suddenly it will be in great distress.
Peter's Boat is like a sieve, it is taking water on all sides, its sinking is near.
My people, prepare your homes with sacramentals, ... put in you a pure heart. I am one step away from you My children, ... here I come for you! Amen.
Source: ➥