Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, May 20, 2022
The Hour Comes New, the Earth Will Be Purified
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 17.05.2022
Beloved daughter, My mercy is great and great it will be for all of you who follow Me with sincere love.
The things of the world are finished, shortly you will enter My new world, into the delights of My All.
Listen to My Word, live it in you and give it to the world so that this Humanity may be converted.
Verily I tell you, I AM the One who runs history, no man can be Me, ... have the humility to understand this: ... only I AM Who I AM!
I will now move the Planets, the sky will change its appearance, a sign that the time has come, ... this world will no longer have the known appearance.
They have kept silent about the truth, they have joined Satan, they have sold themselves for a paltry piece of silver, now that the time of the Things of God has come, where will they hide themselves not to be seen in My Eyes?
Oh men, know that the Eye of God sees everything! You will catapult to Hell, fire will be your companion, you will burn with the one you preferred to Me.
The hour comes new, the Earth will be purified, this Humanity will have to convert to Me, it will have to return to Him who is its Creator.
It will rain fire from heaven, men will weep for not having listened to My appeals, for not having returned to Me, their God Love.
The new Pentecost will give luster to My children, while the children of Satan will descend into misery.
Write My daughter: My people, the hour of urgent choice has come, evil reigns, the dishonesty of men knows no bounds, ... My Chalice is poured out: ... bitterness will come, weeping and gnashing of teeth for those who will not have recognized Me as the One and True God!
Noises from heaven! Falling satellites, ... all the filth that man has sent into space will fall upon him!
Sudden and incalculable deaths for not accepting the promptings of Heaven, ... man will weep because of his foolishness.
Source: ➥