Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Pray and Never Forget to Pray for Your Priests
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

My children, there are few of you left, those who love Me with all their hearts. I will still suggest to you how you should behave in the days to come. You already knew that the last times, would be difficult to live, but certainly all that you are experiencing negative, you did not expect.
On the other hand, already the Gospel, all along, has been warning you that in the last times, everything will be turned upside down. Your earth, now, is commanded by Satan, but only because, you by your behavior, allow him to do so.
I am not addressing you who are praying but, most of your brethren, not even if they pass by the church door, think of going inside to say hello to Jesus in the tabernacles.
More difficult times will still come for you believers but then, everything will change with our coming to earth. My children, continue to pray for your brothers and sisters to be converted.
I love you, I am close to you and I will not let Satan tempt you more than you can bear. Pray and never forget to pray for your priests. Many are in trouble because of all the changes that are being made in the liturgy, especially regarding the Holy Mass.
Remember, God is One and Jesus remains His Only Son. I, Mary, have always obeyed, first the Father and then the Son, never questioning the "Word." Imitate My behaviors and you will be saved.
Pray, love and offer yourselves to God for your loved ones. I embrace you, bless you, protect you and defend you.
Mary Your Only Mother.
Source: ➥