Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, May 16, 2022
The Evil One in his infinite misery will turn this Humanity upside down!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 14.05.2022 - (3:37 p.m.)
Guided by the Holy Spirit, you will enter the Kingdom of God, purified through the fire of the new Baptism you will join Heaven.
Most Holy Mary will help you ascend, She will be the One who will take you into Her Bosom, you will be reborn new to new and perfect life, your God will bless you eternally and you will be part of the great Heavenly Family.
Beloved children, be ready for the imminent attack of the Evil One, in his infinite misery he will turn this Humanity upside down, he will deprive it of all good and enslave it to himself. Man will beg, he will be forced into a life of suffering because of his wickedness.
I have implored your conversion to Me, I have called you and called you back to Me, but you have turned a deaf ear, ... what will become of you My children?
Truth has been denied to satisfy Evil, you have pleased to be mocked by Satan, you have mocked your true God! ... in your great pride you acted, convinced that everything the bastard made shine in your eyes was true.
Poor men, fallen into weakness because of your choice in Satan. You will shudder very soon when it all comes upon you, when you are certain that you have made the wrong choice.
The violence of the enemy will exceed all imagination, your hearts will be broken, you will have no help from Heaven for preferring to follow Lucifer. Ah, what pain! ... What sorrow for Me who loved you so much and still love you so much!
What pain for you My children and no longer Mine for your free choice: ... you will be robots in His hands.
Repent, O men! Convert yourselves!
Convert now before the black moon rises. Amen.
Source: ➥