Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 14, 2022
My Beloved Children, Hard Times Await You
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

Message Of 08.05.2022 From Simona
I saw Mama was clothed in white and in Her chest was a heart of flesh crowned with thorns, Mama had a blue mantle that covered even Her head and reached down to Her feet that barefoot rested on the world. Mama had Her arms outstretched in welcome and in Her right hand a long holy rosary beads made of light.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Here I am My children, I come to you as mother, mother of mercy, mother of peace, mother of love, mother and queen. My children, I come to bring you love, peace, I come to bring you the Father's immense mercy, I come to take you by the hand and lead you to My and your beloved Jesus. My children, in all your suffering, in all your pain, turn to Him, go to church and kneel before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar: He is there alive and true, He is there waiting for you, entrust your whole life to Him!
My beloved children, hard times await you, I tell you this not to frighten you but to make you understand that there is a need for prayer, there is a need for conversion, the real one not the one made up of talk. My children, the world is invaded by evil, daughter look.
I started to see so many scenes of war, violence, horrors happening in the world and Mother said:
These are just a few things happening in the world, and all of this is tearing My heart apart, pray children pray. My children, it is no longer time for chatter, for futile and useless questions, it is time to pray, pray on your knees before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, My children go to the church My Son is waiting for you there, kneel before Him and open your heart to Him, entrust to Him your whole life, all your burdens and He will give you peace and love, He will help you overcome all your difficulties.
I love you children and I still ask you to pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.