Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
These Times Do Not Allow You to Live a Life in Hope
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

I am with you every day of your life. I protect you and defend you from temptations otherwise, without My defense, hell would be open for you.
These times do not allow you to live a life in hope; everything that comes before you leads you to lose all hope. Pray, My children, never can you save your lives without prayer.
Satan is master in the majority of the souls of you, My children, I beg you pray more and implore the coming of My Son, otherwise you will be exhausted by the evil one, who, with his temptations makes you see beautiful and good what in truth is sinful toward God and toward your neighbor.
How many temptations, My children, you have on your earth! Wherever you go you are persecuted malevolently and sinfully. Where will you enjoy a good example if TV, newspapers, etc. are now under Satanic temptation?
You will no longer enjoy good examples, but more and more every day, you will have to defend yourself against the bad examples that fill the whole world.
Pray, fast, retire in solitude that you may allow us to visit you and help you overcome the temptations that grip your heart and mind.
Pray that the time that separates you from the coming of Jesus will be shortened and free you from all the bondages that oppress you from morning to night.
I bless you, have frequent recourse to My consolations.
Immaculate of the blue roses, your protector.
Source: ➥