Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, May 7, 2022
The Apostasy Is Great! I Cry Out to You Who Sit in the City of Seven Hills!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 06.05.2022 - 15.58 hrs.
The hour is already dark, ... the night will be terrible!
I cry out to you for conversion, O men, O you who sit in the city seated on the seven hills!
I say to you, O men, who unsuspectingly go into the deception of My enemy.
I say to you, My children, I say to you!
Return quickly to Him who created you, abandon the lie, heal your souls before it is too late.
I have called you back infinitely, I have told you that everything would be on fire but your ego has not allowed you to pay attention to My calls.
The apostasy is great! I see so many men falling into the hands of Satan. They still declare war on Me, pierce Me with spears, mock Me and spit at Me! My poor children, fallen into Satan's deception. My poor children! ... How much you will weep now, because of your pride!
The cursed Serpent has deceived you, you have fallen into his trap because you did not listen to Me. ... My poor children! My poor children!
Verily know that you are one step away from the fiery furnace, everything will burn, nothing will remain standing.
The Vatican will collapse under the blows of the enemies.
The Colosseum will collapse.
Rome will be conquered.
This My Word, may it be for you reason for "urgent!" repentance!
Save yourselves, O men, save your souls, ... abandon the world and run to Me, plead "now" for My Mercy, for soon the weeping and the pain will have no bounds.
Call Me to your aid, ... pray the holy Rosary!
Beg for My mercy, O men!
Beg for My mercy, O men!
Beg for My mercy, O men!
... it is already late !!!
Pray, pray, pray!
Source: ➥