Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Antichrist will now sit on the throne of Peter, he will present himself to the world as the Messiah.

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 16-04-2022 - 16.27 (locution).

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We are on the eve of Easter, Jesus will soon rise, He will rise with His Body from that bed and will present Himself to the world as the one and only true God, the Son of God, God Himself.

He is Risen from the dead to give you life, have love for that God who created you and loved you until His total Donation for you in an atrocious death, ... all out of love for you, My children, for you who still do not respond to this love and continue to follow in the footsteps of the infernal enemy.

How much pain in Me, how much pain, My children, how much pain in Me! see you so small in the hands of Satan, the one who will soon put you in his Hell and you will be damned forever.

Watch, My children, watch, the time is over. The Antichrist will now sit on the throne of Peter, he will present himself to the world as the Messiah, the true Messiah! But, short will be his glory because God Himself will descend from His Heaven to say His Enough and put him in eternal chains.

Yes! The prophecies announced to My prophets of yesterday and today are being fulfilled. I will wait for all that is the Word of God to be fulfilled! All that has come from Heaven must be fulfilled on this Earth, it is for your salvation, O men!

Now will come one after another of the announced chastisements! Those who remain on Earth will suffer the great tribulation! They will suffer for all that they have created for themselves by agreeing to follow the enemy of God. Lucifer now rejoices in his plan because he is almost certain to have won the battle.

The war is pressing, the prophecies are being fulfilled, everything is happening, My children, but in truth I tell you that none of these men will remain standing because I will throw them, together with Lucifer, into Hell.

Most Holy Mary:

My beloved children, announce the glory of God, God is the One who will shortly descend from His Heaven. In the Sign of His Cross He will draw all His own to Himself: it will be the most beautiful moment for this Humanity, ... it is the possibility that God still grants to man so that he may repent and convert, humbly ask for forgiveness with true repentance of heart.


When you come before Me to ask for My Forgiveness you must already be stripped of everything that belongs to the Earth.

Do good works during this short time, give to God what belongs to God and renounce Satan! Do not allow him to carry out his evil plan on you.

Embrace one another, My children, be in one heart one soul, pray for one another, work for the Kingdom of God.

Make haste My children, all is accomplished! The time is over, I must present Myself now to this humanity.

I will not lose any of My children: all those who follow Me, who weep and cry their love for Me and await Me with hearts full of joy to be with Me forever; their desire for Me is burning, they want to be with Me their Creator God, they have renounced everything on this Earth, they have dedicated themselves to My Work, they have answered their faithful yes to My call.

My children, love yourselves and love your Creator God, love Him Whom you will soon meet. Behold, He is coming as the Righteous Judge, you will stand at His right hand or at His left.

You come to Him with the ballast of your sins light: My children, confess by kneeling before God Crucified if you do not find a priest faithful to God, to His Doctrine, a priest who follows His Pope, the Pope whom Jesus has chosen for His Church!

Peter, Peter! Rise up Peter! ... Your hour has come!

Come and fight your battle!

God will give you strength to rise up and proclaim it.

Onward, My children, onward! All united in battle alongside Mary Most Holy, give Her your hands and be guided to arrive certain to the final victory.

Today, man still chases after the things of the world, while you, My little remnant, have forgotten the world to unite with Heaven. ... The Universe will be your home, you will have all that on this world has been denied you, your eyes will go beyond the beauty of this Earth because you will know the Universe and embrace the Universe, you will be part of the Universe!

Easter is tomorrow, stand up, My children, and shout: "Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Christ is Risen and we shall rise with Him."

Again I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen


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